
the feel of silence

the sound of silence

a soliloquy for ‘us’ parents

is more like a penance for our kids

still, we must plant the seeds of stillness…

unattached to resultant outc(om)es of

our intended desires of their

unmitigated Soul Journey

hopefully Ever Higher

the feel of silence

ilg knows all too much how many Conscious Parents want to impart the value of Silence to our kids.

Newsflash:  They’re NOT READY TO RECEIVE

Newsflash II:  They’re READY TO RECEIVE

ilg reckons?  the key is in Buddha’s urging of NON ATTACHMENT TO RESULTS!

when we take our kids hiking, for example,  it’s like the furthest EVER from your grown-up, experienced mind of “hiking”.

Key:  Have NO AGENDA for anything even remotely associated with your Adult Notions of Hiking, Cycling, Skiing…


practice the Zazen fallout which i’ve attempted to train within you since 1981;
Allow the Present to Be ENOUGH!  

Conscious Parents;   Let Go,  Let Go, Let Go, then?

Yup,  Let Go AGAIN!

And then?



At age 9 (in a week or so more),  Dewa encourages me to take her on more aggressive hikes, peak climbs, rides, climbs, etc.


i dunno.  i can only suspect though, that it was from my own Disciplined Mind over Ego trained through formative decades of sitting Zen, that i have been Non-Attached to Dewa’s adventure soul….i’ve let HER choose the intensity, the duration, and the amplitude of our Adventures.   all i have done and will continue to do,  is LISTEN to Her,  FEEL Her,  and remain Unattached to any goals, purposes, or ends to our outdoor adventures.

The Kid sets the Pace,  not you.

Our Chi(ld)/Chi(ldren) set the tempo, create the stage upon which we impart the Dharma as best we can…




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