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well, never done THIS before!


even mountain yogi’s as feeble as ilg are determined to keep our Sangha fit, breathing, and focused.

with ALL races cancelled on our horizon?  why not create a Virtual Race perfect for both family trail runners and baddass mountain runners?

got JUST the Courses for you!

on Saturday, April 18, ilg invites you and/or your family to touch the Schneider Park stone monument near the intersection of 9th Street Bridge and Roosa Ave.  Start your Garmin (or whatever) and take a pic of you or ya’ll at the Schneider Park stone monument then start running(pace yourself!)  up (north) on Roosa;  be CAREFUL cuz you’ll need to cross over Roosa at the Greenmount Cemetery intersection to run up (left/west) Avenida del Sol to Ella Vita Ct to the bridge at the cul de sac;  across the bridge, north to a sharp left (west) onto ped path right up the gullet (80′ vert grind) onto a Right on the old Landfill Road, run up Old Landfill Road till you see an opportunity to cut a sharp left (west, again) at a Trail Marker Boulder onto and up a sharp Mancos Shale headwall of 60′ vert…veer right up an ol’ water ditch till you merge eventually onto Hogsfoot Trail proper.  Follow the beautiful undulating terrain of Hogsfoot Trail with a couple of spots of traversing spiciness toward the Zig Zags after two bridge crossings and over 1.2 miles… up the Zig Zags until a final Connector to Browns Ridge, whereupon you’ll turn Right until you find yourself onto the scintillating descent of EllaVita.  Descend Ella upon fast, flying, fleet feet until reaching the c(om)mon Connector which you ran up a bit ago to lead you back onto EllaVita paved Court and back to touch the Schneider Park stone monument,  taking a picture of your finishing time and sending to;  steve@wholisticfitness.com

more detail c(om)ing on the 5k and full disclosure on the spicy 11k Mountain Race!   stay tuned to all of ilg’s social for more!

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