Screen Shot 2021-07-18 at 4.02.54 PMBonus Vid!  WHO DOES THIS!??!  DYLAN BOWMAN DESTROYS HIS FIRST HARDROCK 100!!!


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3 1/2 minutes – WHO DOES THIS!?!?! Toeing his first HR 100 start line, world class and world-loved Dylan Bowman of Portland, Oregon absolutely mined the Hardrock 100 miles of altitude, navigation, and technicality for ALL its worth! Speaking of worth, it’s worth a few minutes of your time to enjoy my post race interview with Dylan from the finish line of the race! Be sure to give it a Thumbs Up and hit Subscribe to enjoy the world’s most original content from the creator of Wholistic Fitness® and the only 2x Cover Athlete of OUTSIDE Magazine, Coach Steve Ilg of Durango, Colorado! THANKS FOR WATCHING!

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