Published on Mar 22, 2005 by in Uncategorized


Dearest Coach Ilg,
I just saw my picture on your DL. Thank you so much for your kind words!� I love your website!� I� was reading some of the entries and I am excited to learn more about your products ie. books, tapes, etc. and I’m excited to learn more about the Sunrider herbs!!!!!!� I didn’t realize you had�videos out with your HP Yoga!!��I was reading your response to Brandon; the one that’s turning 21 and was asking your view on alcohol.� I myself have delved into the dark world of drugs and partying.��I too am grateful for the experiences I’ve had in them as they have assisted me (now that I’ve made the journey through it) in appreciating the beauty of this world: physically, spiritually and emotionally for I know too well the “other side” where it can be very dark and lonely.

Thank you for your light and your passion that you share with all of us who are willing to listen and absorb………..

I will be in touch.

Dear Rebekah!
i was just sending this off to my SUNRIDER tribe…girlfriend…you have GOT to get onto the HERBS!
Get Coach Mackel to sponsor you into the “Temple Garden of WF”…SUNRIDER HERBS!
Glad you found your way back h(om)e to us! Here is the the SUNRIDER Update I just sent to my Downline,
which is the most powerful SUNRIDER Clan in the United States! check it out and see you in the Temple Garden soon,
herb pickin’ and radiant with the CHI!

coach ilg

coach ilg in visvamatriasana. the mind cannot enjoy natural peace with a body that is stiff and stuffed with junk foods and chemicals. eating SUNRIDER herbs allows each breath to dance joyfully and lightly throughout the body and mind and spirit! people ask me how i can stand working out each day…i stare at them blankly and ask them, “How can you stand NOT to?” we gotta BREATHE and MOVE each day! Every day! Eating SUNRIDER makes us feel light, happy, and energetic to ENJOY working out in a wholistic way!

Noble SUNRIDER Warriors!
help me welcome our newest herb eater;
John O’Flaherty of Cleveland, OH
who just joined SUNRIDER under WF Teacher Ananda’s clan!

we look forward to hearing from John later as he is guided through
Phase I; Cell Cleansing under the capable guidance of Ananda.

Why is it important to share these herbs?
Because of letters like this one from one of our own Herbal Warriors:

“Sunrider, wow!: �The fat is finally coming off…I noticed my intercostals poking
out yesterday…the first time in years: �I can honestly say this is a
result of Sunrider. �As you remember, I was diagnosed with a significant
deficiency of testosterone and I exhibited all the symptoms of such: �
Exhaustion, poor sleep, irritability, increased fat levels, etc., etc. �I
decided to forgo hormone therapy and went with WF and Sunrider. �As of today
(it has been 3 months since my diagnosis), I feel like a new man in all
regards, especially with the fat losses.”

I would like to honor both Ananda and newly crowned Director Joseph Sheader, another of one my WF Certified Teachers.
They both have built their downlines into generating over 3,000 SV per month! that means that they are not spending hardly any of their
own money on their SUNRIDER use because Dr. Chen’s generous cashback bonuses each month!

The key to eating all the SUNRIDER herbs you want and using the best skin care on the planet for free? Teach people
to Switch Brands to SUNRIDER from the less superior food and skin care and household products that they currently use!
Set a goal of getting yourself and your downline to earn 500/SV points each month and within several months,
you are going to be very pleasantly surprised at the SUNRIDER Check you receive each month.

like i have always said, if you think you feel GREAT on the SUNRIDER herbs while paying for them,
you feel FANTASTIC when you can eat all of them that you want for free and then get even more cash back!
it is NOT that hard;

Share the Herbs (start with Phase I, since everybody needs to lose fat and achieve and maintain cellular clarity for energy),then
teach them to switch brands to SUNRIDER;
instead of cokes and coffee? Fortune Delight and Calli!
instead of junk food and inferior vitamin pills? SUNBARS and METABALANCE 44.
instead of killing animals for your make up and lotions; use the Kandesn Spa Line and Kandesn cosmetics!
..the list of Switches you can teach people to make are endless! need help?
that is what your Upline is for!
Ask us questions and keep sending in your testimonials on how amazing these herbs are! we are Blessed!

Onward, Upward, and Ever Inward!
Today, help Somebody you know eat Herbs instead of chemicals!!
Natural Body = Natural Mind! Break the addiction to chemicals in your foods, lotions, and household products!
Be a YOGI…eat Whole Foods, drink Whole Foods, don’t put preservatives into you or on you! Stay NATURALLY FIT!


coach ilg, ryt/uscf
director/SUNRIDER International

ps: be sure to bookmark and enjoy (free!) the world acclaimed:
DIRECT LINES; Daily Meditations From Coach Ilg

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