Ananda’s legs…a Yogini of superb, consistent WF Practice, i taught WF Online Teacher Ananda my “Road Warrior” Practice Routines…which pivot upon early morning neti, pranayam, and inversions which can all be done within 15 minutes yet drastically empower the entire day! Note the use of YogaToes�…a training tool for WF Warriors which open chi lines throughout the body/mind.
Dear Coach,
this past couple months of DL have been amazing! instead of reading the fucked up (sorry!) “news” in the “newspapers”, i now look forward to reading DL each morning with my coffee (sorry,again!). i cannot tell you how your “Path” and your “feeble” fitness efforts positively impact my own life! I know you are all into the SUNRIDER herbs and perhaps one day, i will take that jump too, but for now, i just wanted to let you know how much “nutrition” i get each day from your generous, brave, and fucking (sorry!) incredible lifeview and living embrace of what FITNESS really means! How come YOU are not training Oprah or doing those Morning Fitness TV shows?! People need your stuff, man! Anyway, i have been reading about your travels over the past few months and since i travel a ton, what do you do to ‘warm up’ for your day while traveling…what do you do when you are away from your home to center yourself while traveling?
again, thank you for being you…truly you! putting your stuff out into the world has really meant a lot to me!”
– Carey, MA
Most Noble Fitness Warrior and Mighty Minded Reader of DL!
my knees crumble and my heart dances as my eyes linger over your words of metta! thank you. all i am doing is what my Teachers have requested,
“Be brave in that which you love and be braver to share it.”
When i travel, two things are pivotal to my day beginning;
1) Neti/Pranayam (yogic nasal washing & yogic breathing)
2) Inversions.
Basically, upon awakening i just make sure, no matter what, that i take care of these two Practices. In Online Training, i choreograph specific routines for my traveling students based upon their individual needs. Personally, i have a Short Form, Medium, and Long Form of the 2 Pivotal Practices. The Short Form requires 15 minutes.
{A WF Warrior’s hotel room; my ‘cross bike, SUNRIDER herbs on the table, a new prototype of YogaToes�, and an inversion device.}
Personally, i have not a choice. I must begin each day with taking care of myself through yogic rituals otherwise, i am in severe and chronic pain from my smashed pelvis and fractured spine.
To begin my Traveling Day Practices i put on my YogaToes�, defecate, do some ‘Toilet Yoga’, then do Neti, Pranayam then into a Inversion (Headstand) sequence which consists of Inverted Hip Openers, Backbends, and Inverted Twists (see above photo). The training effect from such a quick inverted sequence completely empowers, invigorates, and balances hormonally and organically, my body so i can lead a Warrior Day!
Thank you for your question and keep enjoying DL!
head bowed upside down,
coach ilg
{Note; you are reading a private journal entry. do not ask questions about this entry. Some details have been omitted for the sake of privacy and safety. please consider the context of the following stats and words if you are using these recordings for your own spiritual fitness journey. these stats are astral footprints so be sure your tracking skills are in check before following! you risk injury, overtraining, imbalanced body/mind effects, and blood sugar repercussions if you attempt to follow these footprints!}
Coach Ilg�s WF Monthly Training Averages:
March, 2005
27th Year of WF Training
Predominant Quote Epitomizing This Month�s Practice:
�Yoga is said to be the unification of the web of dualities.�
– Yoga-Bija (84)
IntraDisciplinary Statistics
All Month Priorities Were All Attained Or Surpassed!
STRENGTH: 5 x for 2.75 hours
CARDIO: 33.25 hours
YOGA: 47.25 hours
NUTRITION: average calories per day: 1050
Predominant Training Interpretations Within Each Fitness Discipline:
� ST: still shocked that such a low hourly volume packs such quality; each minute
of those 2.75 hours was rich with yogic breathing, high mental focus, and supreme intensity. in my older age it truly feels like i am embodying the WF Maxim; �less is more.� ST, was for me,
during this cycle a refuge of deep fiber in-tasies. my only wish was that other fitness warriors could find such inner yoga, such inner joy within the Iron Temple.
� CV: after winning Mt. Taylor and the 508, i decompressed this month in Cardio. took to the high mountains during my meditation retreat to immerse myself in one of the best winters the southwest has ever had; tele skiing, nordic skiing, easy jogs, �cross cycling. still managed to pull out three podium placings in the local training race workouts against Cat 1/2�s. very rewarding; the magic of WF jumps and dances within all the Disciplines. will start ramping up this Discipline in April.
� YOGA: a whopping 47.25 hours of asana has paid of richly in breaking down the adhesions within my R. quadratus lumborum, esp @ the 12th rib situation. femural inward rotation within the bonded tissue at the capsule is turning out to be Heaven Inside! the leveling out of the pelvic elevation has officially turned from an ongoing torture session into Nalanda! the Edge now flirts and dances with my Awareness and seduces me in Kundalic ways! i cannot believe how delectable it feels to move the Brahmanic Breath around, into, and within such old wounds, imbalances, and Divine Gateways! Jiva Mukti, baby! go ilg! broken back? paralysis? ain�t no thang for this Endless Warrior! just keep working out within, ilg! jao!
� MEDITATION: focus of the month was retreat with Mahanidrarishi B in Flagstaff beneath the �Crystal Pyramid� and in Sedona at the Bell Rock vortex. Most work was done within the chakral and Third Dimension and all of this was facilitated by Maharishi. {remainder of this meditation input not publicly available for safety sake}. Pranayamic fitness continues to be the Accelerator to my meditations and really seems to be scrubbing away at samskaric residue and acts as a highlighter to all amma. An unplanned momentary immersion into sahajasamadhi was directly felt by Ananda during an early morning pranayam beneath the Sacred Mountain…i feel confident that by 75, my etheric fitness will be right on track for navigation of the Bardo. this month gave me another layer of confidence for dying consciously, elegantly, and nearly enthusiasticallly! just like ski jumping, baby; i want to hit the lip of the jump (maharecaka) with superb fitness, confidence, and appropriate visualizations…you can do it, ilg! jao! just keep cultivating the Inner Garden! No fear!
� NUTRITION: absolutely insane! even with my relative caloric �indulgences� this month compared to last, never once was a day filled with �hunger�…only energy and flight across the fitness spectrums! my LifeRecord of calories injested versus calories �expressed� just fries the conventional Western �wisdom� of eating! it�s all about developing the Pranic fields, trusting in IsavaraPranidhana, and remaining Awake to the Inner Signals, not the Ego Flamboyancy! SUNRIDER herbs revealed yet another Layer of penetrating Chi as my early morning bowel movements have produced a clarity that enriches Uddiyana in my pranayams like never before! Apana can now be tethered consciously and steered up my axial etheric architecture…witnessing this stuff is just…FUN! and so powerful!!! Mastery of bodily energy certainly requires the Mastery of food, first. As in the ShivaSamhita, it is said that the yogi that Practices consistent will be Blessed by finding (among other Tools) �secret herbs.�…i certainly found mine; SUNRIDER! i must keep working so as to not be attached to these herbs, yet to use them wisely so i hit age 75 flyingly fit for my Samyoga! My monthly goal of: �Don�t Eat Till You Earn It� was violated only on two occasions.
Predominant Training Quote Arising:
�Live to Flow!
Flow to Live!�