Most Precious Sangha,
feeble ilg knows how difficult is capturing the Spirit of Repetition…
each morning, before Grandfather rises over Ewing Ridge, perhaps while many of you still sleep, ilg is Practicing…
ilg has to…
ilg has no choice…
ilg, unlike you (probably) has done what it takes to rise without surgery from a wheelchair, paralyzed from a winter mountaineering incident…
ilg relied on yoga, pranayama, and Tibetan Energywork to take the place of surgery: knives, thousands of dollars, blood letting, chi siphoning, and inner spirit demolition….
feeble ilg stayed true to my Higher Self, my Atman…in ways and lengths of time that most of you would balk at…
here ilg is..
Here Now…
still inspiring,
still kicking ass at age 51…
the Grandfather of all American cross training and still the most spiritual…
how bad do you want it?