Published on Apr 14, 2005 by in Uncategorized



I have been a long time allergy sufferer. �The Neti pot is doing a dynamite job on the sneezing and wheezing, but my eyes still itch. �Any thoughts?
– Online Student JJ

Noble Student JJ,
what did i teach you about the WF Word Choice Guru of the word “but.” ? delete this word from your vocabulary for anything that follows the “but” is usually, as the saying goes, the horses ass. if you re-read your sentence omitting the word, then you have a Positive In-sight.

with the word in your sentence,
you can sense just how quick your ego is to rationalize, to grasp, instead being in Awe of how effective and fast is this Path. we are only a Fitness Path, yet we are erasing dis-ease from your body!

appreciate the fact: WF introduced you to this ancient, wholistic technique of Neti. now, within comparable milliseconds, this gentle teaching is erasing a chronic dis-ease of yours. yet, you sound only stoked and then you seem to be grasping so fast,
not slowly appreciating the Journey the Process of re-Dis-covering yourself!

slow down.
Things Take Time.
your eyes itch because they hold the greatest amount of amino acids…the SUNRIDER Herbs and Neti and Morning Ritual is safely recentering your immunology and is Clearing gunk from your cells…
appreciate this fact!

Things Take Time.

Slow Down.
Don’t leave the best part of your Transformation behind; yourself!

coach ilg

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