from fan mails, i know that many of you enjoy reading about my actual personal workouts. that is because you like reading about my natural capacity for creating Barbaric Workouts that would best be left to Medieval Torture professionals or Vikings…both of whose blood runs in my Teutonic veins. honestly, i steer away from publishing my personal workouts for the most part because the last thing i want is for people to hurt themselves trying to do what i do without the nearly quarter century of daily WF conditioning behind me. as long you understand that the following workout (which is a fairly common one for me) should NOT be attempted verbatim, you may feel free to ADAPT its theme into your own fitness level. Okay? Alright. Here you go and may the WF Gods Bless You if you attempt to mimic it…
Last Saturday, only three people showed up for my weekend training ride today; me, myself, and i! Fortunately, i was in a fine mindset to go ahead and complete the ride by myself since i had already accomplished three of my four WF Quadrathlon Events planned for the day. Now, this is WF, so this ain’t your typical ‘physical only’ type of workout; in WF i superimpose mental training variables upon physical workouts for unmatched body/mind/spirit progressive training effect.
Event #1: Meditation/Neti – 30 Minutes
wake up early. do not eat. evacuate bowels. go to your Quiet Space. perform a 20 minute Seated Meditation as prescribed by your WF Teacher (for Online WF Students) or as instructed by your spiritual teacher. then, follow your Meditation with Neti (Yogic Nasal Wash). do not eat.
Event #2: Asana – 60 – Minutes
Now, go into your prescribed HP Yoga Routine (for WF Online Students) or perform 60 minutes of asana (yoga posture workout) as directed by your yoga teacher (you can also use any of my three yoga programs in TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION or one of my two HP Yoga dvds). or, you could take a yoga class, yet this QUAD is more about inwardly directed awareness; studying your fluctuating mental states as you move through the events and cultivating Dhriti (see Event #3).
Event #3: Dhriti – Permeates Entire Quad Workout
Event #3; consists basically of saying “no” to the ego that is crying for you to eat food before and during Event #4. Dhriti is a yogic term meaning; ‘steadiness’ or ‘steadfastness’ and in some texts, such as the Shandilya-Upanishad, it is understood as “mental stability” and is considered a commandment (a mandatory yogic moral discipline aka; a ‘yama’). I use going without food as a form of Dhriti. I have taught myself to trust in my Breath/Pran as a powerful source of energy, not just physical food. Apply the following very carefully or you will risk damage to yourself. Event #3 is where your ego will start freaking out. You have been up and active for a hour and a half, and you are feeling like you want a nice breakfast…yet, this is WF and this a WF Quad, you do not eat until after the entire workout. And even then, you minimize food intake. This Quad accomplishes at a cellular level a far deeper, more effective cleanse than mere fasting. This Quad tests the authenticity of your weekly nutrition. if you feed yourself accurately, and have kept your herbs, pranayam, Neti, asana practice strong during the week, you will have plenty of chi to pull this baby off. i do pity those of you, however, who are not on the SUNRIDER herbs, for if you depend on bio-engineered sport supplements, you will more than likely bonk during Event #4, for this WF Quad is designed to test your CHI CAPACITY, not just physical capacity. My caloric intake for this entire day was 1,200. The next day i did another 60 mile ride and was absolutely flying! Chi is always more powerful than physical food. Many years however, of meditation are required before this Shift from physical food to pranic nourishment can be made.
Event #4: Three and a Half Hour Cardio Workout
wherever you live, whatever form of Cardio you enjoy, do your best to mimic (at YOUR level) what i did solo last Saturday on my road bike:
* one hour warm up (my route entailed a 20 mile warm up over rolling terrain)
*one solid hour of climbing (high Zone 3 Heart Rate; my route led me into a 7,000′ climb over 12 miles covering three climate zones! …from desert palms to 4′ walls of snow and ponderosa!…it is soooo fun to be light, fast, and fit! Long live WF!)
* one and a half hours of high leg turnover High Zone 2/Low Zone 3
my actual ride info (for those living near LA) and statistics:
Barell Springs (Palmdale) to and then up above Mountain High Ski Resort to Ski Sunrise this “508” training route of mine features
solo; 60.3 miles, 16.6 mph av, 3:37:59 riding w/o stops.
Congratulations! You have done a great WF Quadrathlon!
Hey, there ain’t nothing like WF!
i will trust this Journal Entry will help inspire YOUR upcoming Weekend Workout, even if it means making it
last one minute longer than usual, then, that is one more minute of a human being
human becoming more BEING!
from the coach who actually still walks his talk,
your feeble ilg