WF Online Student and SUNRIDER Herbal Warrior Simon Ash of Great Britain climbing ‘Pocket Symphony”…Of his
jump into WF Online Studies, Student Ash says”;even after 6 weeks of study I can see noticeable changes in my physique, especially after being guided with the herbs…” How about you? Care to be be Transformed by a totally unique Body/Mind Path with nearly a quarter century of proven effectiveness with thousands? You’ve already found it: Wholistic Fitness, baby! The only question is; At What Level
Are You Willing to Soar?
Dear Coach Ilg,
First off to say thanks for helping me on this path, even after 6 weeks of study I can see noticeable changes in my physique, especially after being guided with the herbs….I look forward to continued mental, physical and metaphysical improvements as time goes on…
Now a quick question if I might. I am going to persuade my girlfriend about the numerous advantages of Sunrider and sign her up. Do I need a different id number for this or can I use the id I use when ordering for myself.
Humbly and gratefully as always
Simon Ash
Most Noble WF Online Student and SUNRIDER Warrior Simon!
first, congratulations on the mind/body Transformation.
it always Works when you are on a Proven Path…and, you are willing to Trust and Sweat.
i advise you never to persuade anyone to do the herbs.
look up the word “persuade.”
you will see that persuasion is an intellectual exercise designed to ‘sway’ another persons intellect.
i tell you this;
SUNRIDER herbs are not about the intellect.
if you approach SUNRIDER from the intellect, you remain a skeptic.
you just keep eating the herbs and your girlfriend will come around on her OWN intuitive wisdom
that these herbs are something worthwhile to explore.
if fact, the more you say to her, “Honey, i don’t know if you are ready for these herbs…they are VERY powerful.”
that to me, is far more enticing than pushing me toward something i don’t care about.
once she FEELS the CHI of the herbs in her own body, be it CALLI, ACTION CAPS, or the SKIN CARE…
she will immediately say, “Sign me UP!…my BODY NEEDS these herbs!”
when that time arrives,
you just sign her up as a Preferred Customer or a Distributor under you, using YOUR SR ID#…
pretty soon, she signs up her friends because her friends see how HER physique and demeanor has been Transformed,
and pretty soon?
you are eating all the SUNRIDER herbs you want for free just by helping others.
is this not a better System than a mass-manufactured Grocery Store?
coach ilg