pic:  Dewachen Catherine Ilg (6) demonstrating without intellect, the most precious of all yogic/tai chi postures, known in the Ai Imawa system as “At One With The UniVerse” and in the Indian Yogic Asana system as, Tadasana (Mountain Pose)… the drop off on the other side of Dewa?  a 50′ abyss to the desert floor of Arches National Monument.  i took this pic last week and had to REALLY tether my instinct to shout out to Dewa to hold still…yet, i saw her Connectness to Mother Earth and tried to relax (as much as any new Parent could given the fact his/her child is standing on a windy precipice alone).   i feel this is a great pic to establish my coaching counsel to my fan question below regarding the integration of Tai Chi into a Wholistic Fitness® program…
Dear Coach Ilg,

My name is James Carpenter. Ten years ago, I bought your book Total Body Transformation when I was 16 years old. At that time, I wasn’t ready for such a sophisticated program, so the book sat on my shelf until last year. I’ve been following the programs in the book, and it’s been very rich and rewarding.
It’s a little funny because I grew up in Flagstaff and, when I first purchased the book, you were living in Flagstaff yourself. I probably wasn’t ready to meet you then, and it’s unlikely that we’ll ever have the chance to meet now since I live in Japan. In any case, thank you very much for all you do.
James Carpenter
PS: I don’t know if it’s appropriate to ask, but I really want to incorporate my Tai Chi practice into the Total Body Transformation program. Could you offer any advice?
Most Precious Warrior Student James!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your Metta-filled missive!  It means A LOT to feeble ilg to hear of such auspicious Tribal Connections remaining steadfast throughout the years!
re: Tai Chi…absolutely!  you can simply integrate your Tai Chi sesh’s in lieu of any assigned Yoga practices throughout the programs in TBT!   ilg does suggest, however,  keeping yoga-asana as a staple Practice at least 2x per 7-day training cycle!
head bowed,
looking forward to seeing you in WF Online Training soon!
coach steve ilg

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