“We are so addicted to looking outside ourselves that we have lost access to our inner being almost completely. We are terrified to look inward, because our culture has given us no idea of what we will find. We may even think that if we do, we will be in danger of madness. This is one of the last and most resourceful ploys of ego to prevent us from discovering our real nature.
So we make our lives so hectic that we eliminate the slightest risk of looking into ourselves. Even the idea of meditation can scare people. When they hear the words egoless or emptiness, they think that experiencing those states will be like being thrown out the door of a spaceship to float forever in a dark, chilling void. Nothing could be further from the truth. But in a world dedicated to distraction, silence and stillness terrify us; we protect ourselves from them with noise and frantic busyness. Looking into the nature of our mind is the last thing we would dare to do.”
– Sogyal Rinpoche
Take time to know thyself; be not afraid to consider just sitting still with your mind as an instrumental part of cultivating your personal fitness. In 1982, i was the first western Personal Trainer to forward the notion that Meditation is as valid a form of ‘fitness training’ than say, jogging. I can relate to Rinpoche’s words above for I was ridiculed by conventional fitness experts and some people publicly called me names like, ‘Devil worshipper,’ and once, because i built a Native American Medicine Wheel in which to sit in Meditation, i was again publicly denounced as a ‘Satan cultist!’ Fortunately, i persevered in my embrace of Meditation as a form of personal fitness and health, and since those rocky beginnings, Meditation has remained a shimmering hallmark as one of my Five Fitness Disciplines of WF. I have described Meditation as, “The glue that bonds all Fitness Disciplines together.”
Becoming our own best friend means making friends with that which can seem like a runaway monster; our own minds. On this International Dharma Day, set aside solo time: go for a quiet walk, some gardening, or better yet; do the Warrior work of formal meditation as described in any one of my several books and throughout DL. A great ancient Yogi, Jesus Christ, once taught us; “Be still…and KNOW that you ARE God!” When taken to heart, this is an amazing meditation Teaching from an amazing Teacher of the Dharma. He was not telling us to do ANYTHING else except that one poignantly simple and dastardly difficult thing; “Be still…” No bibles. No pews. No need to offer anything, let alone pay for anything. Just, “Be still…and Know…”
Let us give thanks in sweat and stillness to all the great Dharma Teachers throughout history and in our own lives; those brave Beings willing enough to do that which scares the Enlightenment right out of most people; They in-Courage us to Look WIthin for our Highest Workout. Bless those Teachers who steadfastly point us toward “InnerAttainment” instead of the predictable addiction to “Entertainment.”
Dharma Blessings from within your spirit and beneath the Sacred Peaks,
coach ilg
photo above; WF Teacher Ananda going climbing; a great Method for looking within.