This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds
To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance.
A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky,
Rushing by, like a torrent down a steep mountain.
Dearest Noblest Fittest Warriors on the Planet!
thank you for your patience during my time away from DL while at our WF SUMMER RETREAT at RED MOUNTAIN SPA.
my heart was so touched by the LOVE that sprang forth from each of the gathered Teachers and Warriors! i never really realized it, yet what WF has unearthed is a completely unique form of heart and sweat based Warrior; a Bhakti Warrior!
right now, BLOGGER is in a technical snafu and not allowing me to post photos. sit tight. i will hit you with some CHI shots from our Retreat plus a few freebies from a fantastic rock climbing trip to Crawdad Canyon in southern Utah that Ananda and i released into after our Retreat.
some of you may be experiencing a type of depression or melancholy feeling after our incredible WF Immersion. energy is a pendulum. what goes up, must come down. waves. if you are feeling like the “Chi has suddenly flowed elsewhere,” this is an accumulative yet positive training effect that hit (y)our subtle anatomy on a multi-tiered level during the Immersion.
let me be brave enough to attempt a minor explanation at what hit (y)our cells;
1) you were immersed in more than just a WF Workshop! you were immersed in what i call the Pranic Ocean of the Escalante. the vibration of the red earth land that was hitting your cells during the weekend produces what i have come to call, “The Escalante Chakra Spin Cycle,” just ask Teacher Haku or Ananda about it. the moody, depressed, or melancholy feelings are typical astral spin off residue from having your chakra systems worked on in a very powerful way. What to do; enjoy. use the Chakra Meditation that i used in the HP Yoga Class on friday to help filter and harmonize the Escalante Effect.
2) The Sangha (or Namaste) Effect. from the very moment we sat down in the first WF Sangha Circle on Night #1; the combined Transmission effect from the 17 seasoned WF Warriors who spilled out their Loving Embrace of our Path hit all of our subtle anatomy in a Big League Way. Our Soul Energy ripped right through the barriers of skin, abilities, emotion, opinions, etc., and just went right to instant work on ramping up our Chakral Energies. this is how Dolphins communicate to humans; they cut right past the bullshit and into our Chakral reservoirs. some of you know precisely of what i speak. one day, man too, will regain this Noble, Astral communication; if we Practice the Path. What to do; reflect on the memorable moments of the Immersion, smile, and plant a Sunflower in Manipura Chakra (solar plexus center). this will ground and give root to any ‘disturbed earth element’ effects.
3) The Guru Effect. I ain’t talking here about me. What i am talking about is the tremendous Power and Love and Unconditional Compassion from my own Teachers flowing through me, into you. i ain’t nuthin. a feeble conduit, if anything. that is all. In the future however, as our Tribe continues to move Higher up into what Personal Fitness really means, i will coach you – when it is safe to do so – in the basic tenets of EnergyWork which will make the above 3-Tiered Effect make more sense. For now, let me just say that what we experienced at Red Mountain has begun and will continue an EnergyWork effect upon (y)our cells that will produce certain paranormal sensations and insights that will Lift your Practice far beyond what it was before the Immersion. (Don’t worry, i will not charge you extra for comes to you free as reward for doing whatever it took to get to Red Mountain to get the WF Transmission, baby!) This Ramping Up Effect is based from the ongoing work of the Masters who taught basic yogic EnergyWork comprehension on 5 Trainable Levels: 1) Forms, 2) the Constituents of Forms, 3) Groups, 4) Forces, and 5) Energy. Essentially, the WF Immersion has begun an Atomical (an atom is just a point of energy) Shift in you. Listen closely to insights arising from whenever you Sweat or sit in Silence. Sweat and Silence are the two Primary Contact Realms for receiving WF Seed Transmissions.
Enough? am i losing you?
Okay, enough.
I just felt obliged as a body/mind Coach to let you know that if i am feeling the way i am feeling right now, wow…
some of you might be getting a major Shake Up! and, i consider it a professional duty to let you know that if you are feeling a bit ‘peculiar’ after the WF Immersion (even if you get ‘sick’), that it is more than okay…it is cina; a positive sign of upward Progress on the Path. Specific Adaptation to Imposed Nadic Demands, baby! …and this Chakra Shift is NOT limited only to the WF Immersion Participants! ALL WF Online Students, fans, SUNRIDERs, and even the occasional DL reader can, if they are Energetically Sensitive, experience an astral ‘trickle down’ effect from what happened at Red Mountain.
i will close now with some catch up STUDENT INPUT and again,
thank you for being a part of a very rare Breed of of Yogi; a Bhakti Warrior of WF!
i bow to you,
coach ilg
back beneath the Sacred Peak
I believe God led me to your book Total Body Transformation, I started doing yoga about 2 months now and I love it. I became a vegetarian about 2 months ago. I have changed my entire way of thinking since reading your book. Thank you so much for writing.
– Clarietha B.
i read this in DL and was Shifted Instantly:
“WF never tries to re-invent the ‘wheel of Dharma’ for monetary gain. We respect, bow to, and trust the Ancient Wisdom. What we DO know how to do, is to translate and then actively mold that Peerless Ancient Wisdom of the body/mind/spirit into today’s modern society.” – Coach Ilg
todays DL was as freakin AMAZING as it gets! you are inspiring a level of awareness and love thru fitness that has no peers.
god bless the moment i saw that Outside cover a moment ago called 1992;)
Teacher Q
hello my coach in my corner……………….today’s complete HP Prop Workout
video—–I THUMPED !
from my heart to yours…………..
Also your DL’s have been touching, healing and providing me with new
ways to journey……….i am blessed.
My dear brave warrior and coach…………..Your attempt to draw a few warriors from the comfort of the peleton this past weekend in your bike race reinforces your notion of peleton as metaphor of unawakened society. Your courage and energy are inspiring ! Thank you
Please KNOW that the WF life is a blessed life and that you have drawn this warrioress out of her comfort zone ( personal peleton of one ) as I sculpt the WF lifestyle…………..and i give thanks everyday for my WF blessings !
Injoy a mahi mahi burger………….big wheel high rpm hugs
may your dance card be filled !
WF Online Student Shelli
Dear Coach,
Yesterday�s DL was inspiring � and then student Jennifer�s question regarding skepticism warranted some contemplation.
My feeling is that there is a big difference between the skepticism of which you speak, and Jennifer�s questioning (which is essentially what you addressed with the story of Flagstaff thunder).
The conversation reminded me �The Buddha emphasized that his students were not to accept his words on blind faith, but rather to test everything for themselves through the workshop of their own personal experience. Many spiritual disciplines offer similar counsel.
According to the Kalama Sutra (translations vary widely, the gist remains):
To the seekers of truth the Buddha says:
“Do not accept anything on (mere) hearsay.
Do not accept anything by mere tradition.
Do not accept anything on account of mere rumors.
Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures.
Do not accept anything by mere suppositions.
Do not accept anything by mere inference.
Do not accept anything by merely considering the reasons.
Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your pre-conceived notions.
Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable.
Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected by us (therefore it is right to accept his word).
“But when you know for yourselves — these things are immoral, these things are blameworthy, these things are censured by the wise, these things, when performed and undertaken conduce to ruin and sorrow — then indeed do you reject them.
“When you know for yourselves — these things are moral, these things are blameless, these things are praised by the wise, these things, when performed and undertaken, conduce to well-being and happiness — then do you live acting accordingly.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said: “Rely on the teachings to evaluate a guru:
Do not have blind faith, but also no blind criticism.”
And further recommends that:
�A proper disciple should fulfill the 3 requisites:
– lack of prejudice, being open-minded
– intelligence and a critical mind: not blindly following orders
– aspiration: wanting to practice and experience results (not just scholarly study)�
To me, this means that we should indeed question all. Take it into our meditations, take it into our intervals, take it into our lives. Churn it around in the chaotic washing machine of our daily lives. If it passes the test of our personal experience, then we can choose to accept it. This is the inquiry necessary of all students.
The skepticism to which you refer, is that of those whose minds and hearts are already nailed down. It is not the skepticism of inquiry and honest seeking and questioning. It is the skepticism of fear, and of blind faith, and of clinging to their personal vision of reality. It is their defense, and it shrinks their world.
The student�s inquiry expands their world and opens it to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Thank you for the reminder.
Student Anne