Top Ten Sunrider Foods For Flu & Virus Season
contributed by Trish Childers, the Ilg Downline Group Director
SUNRIDER: The Official Nutritional Program Wholistic Fitness since 1983
“While on a road trip last week, I didn’t bring any SR herbs, as I wanted to feel what it was like without them. What a great lesson! Food started to build up in my GI tract, even eating lightly, and I felt sluggish. It was soooo good to get back home and on the herbs again. Having learned my lesson, I don’t envision trying that one again. ;)”
– WF Online Student Michael Thompson (Clan Haku), 9/3/05
(See STUDENT INTERVIEW with Michael below!)
“Hey Coach,
Conco is like magic. I’ve even reduced it to 5 in the morning and then 3 at lunch and 3 in the evening. Pretty powerful. Stayed the night at a girlfriend’s last week (2 big dogs and 2 cats) and no asthma issues at all!! Thank you and Trish and SunRider.
(Conco is one of the five herbal formulas in Quinary. Conco targets the support of the Respiratory Immune system)
1. SunPack, Which consists of NuPlus to nourish and strengthen the whole body.
Calli enhances the removal of wastes from the body. Quinary strengthens all 5 major body systems SunnyDew and Sunectar to balance blood sugar levels. And, Sunbreeze Essential Oil and Balm � Sunbreeze is a soothing, penetrating oil or balm that eases pain, and helps the body heal external injuries. It naturally promotes more blood circulation in the areas where it is applied and the body does its own healing. A formula that�s wonderful for sinus headaches, sore throats, chest congestion, sore and achy muscles, arthritis, and much more. Keep one with you at all times.
Start NOW & continue to eat these foods consistently to support your body through the flu and virus season: And for extra added support eat more Conco & Alpha 20 C – Alpha 20 C nourishes the immune system, fights infection, and helps the liver. It is a wonderful herb food that strengthens the body�s ability to defend itself from major problems. Conco � Conco nourishes the auto-immune system which is respiratory, lymphatics and sinus. It also helps decrease mucous and prevents colds and the flu. These two formulas, Alpha 20 C and Conco, work synergistically together. Eat lots!
2. VitaFruit � This is a highly concentrated, delicious herb fruit juice. Vitafruit is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, amino-acids and beta carotene – the best! Vitafruit helps the healing of tissue and slows aging. It has helped reduce fever in children. It will improve anyone�s mood! The �happy fruit�. A wonderful drink for a feeling of well-being!! And, remember to never mix it with HOT water.
3. Vitaspray – Our vitamin and mineral mouth-spray, featuring B-12 and other B vitamins, as well as Vitafruit antioxidants, in food form. Essential for hemoglobin production, helps morning sickness and is beneficial for small children whose growth is slow. Vitaspray helps the nerves and dealing with stress�our very own happy spray.
4. Evergreen – This unique liquid chlorophyll nourishes the circulatory and digestive systems. It purifies and oxygenates blood, and counteracts body odors. Evergreen is an excellent source of iron that the body can easily assimilate. It is favored for pre-natal use. A grandmother shared that it helped reduce a fever in her grandkids…she opened a vial, mixed in a few drops of Sunny Dew, some water and put in a straw and let them sip.
5. SunnyFresh – A liquid syrup that contains loquat, honey, and other herb foods. It is soothing for the respiratory, throat, and voice.
6. Fortune Delight � This low calorie herbal beverage, cools the body, and supplies it with needed minerals (electrolytes) and water. Often it is the only thing that tastes good, stays down, and keeps the body from dehydrating when burning up with fever. It can be sweetened with Sunny Dew or Sunectar.
7. Citric C Tab � A Chewable C tab that taste like oranges. Each tablet contains 200% of the recommended daily requirement of Vitamin C from ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate and rosehip powder. In addition, Citric C Tab contains an exclusive blend of citrus bioflavenoids and green tea leaf extracts. Citric C Tab is chewable, which makes it absorbed immediately through the mucous membranes of the mouth! Kids love them and so do adults! Vitamin C does so many things!
8. Chinese Goldenseal Root – Chinese Golden Seal Root helps those who wish to avoid the use of antibiotics when infections threaten. It is safe for children and pregnant women. Sunrider�s goldenseal is balanced and safe for extended use with no side effects. It is used successfully for most infections: sinus, bladder, respiratory and supports the immune and circulatory systems. In addition, Chinese Golden Seal is soothing to the mucous membranes.
9. SunSmile Fruit & Vegetable Rinse � This cleans your fruits and veggies of herbicides, pesticides, and oily substances, and to keep your home and body free of contaminants, bacteria, fungus and other unwelcome critters! Use for cleaner produce and a healthier life!
10. Kandesn Hand Cleansing Gel � No matter where you are, this amazing gel guarantees to keep your hands germ-free & clean. It does not require water, all you have to do is apply a drop to your hands & rub. It�s fortified with moisturizers to keep your hands soft, not dried out. I keep a tube in my car to clean my hands after pumping gas, one in my purse for public bathrooms or for grocery store carts. Got kids? Then this gel is a must, pack it their lunch box or backpack to help them fight viruses all day.
Remember, start now to gather all these SR goodies, so you will have them before you have challenges. The best defense is a strong offense, get proactive in your health now.
Eat The Best Regeneration Foods Daily As A Foundation For Health