Published on Sep 21, 2005 by in Uncategorized


STUDENT INPUT! Student Kristi’s Handstand Insight, Mr. Lynn’s Majestic Missive, & Gerry Thanking The UniVerse

i bow to today’s alignment within the heavens:
The date (near September 22 in the northern hemisphere) when night and day are nearly of the same length and Sun crosses the celestial equator (i.e., declination 0) moving southward (in the northern hemisphere). In the southern hemisphere, the autumnal equinox corresponds to the center of the Sun crossing the celestial equator moving northward and occurs on the date of the northern vernal equinox. The autumnal equinox marks the first day of the season of autumn.

now that we have acknowledged the Higher Prakriti,
i gift you this DL and bow to my faithful WF Sangha; there is NOBODY else walking the Planet these days quite like you….
thank you for your sweat, spirit, and consistent study…

coach ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness
creator/Direct Lines


Most noble Coach,
One who walks the path with utmost integrity �

A thought after reflectINg on the Yogic Inversions on DL (Sept 12th).

It is interesting that we are in fact all-ways in such a rush to receive and gain the ultimate goal; often neglecting the journey on the way there. We like to �lean� on outer things to gain strength and a false sense of security. Often crumbling when these things are removed, wondering, why?

Personally I have experienced a close correlation in my inner and external balance. The first time I managed to �float� in handstand was a day in my life when I remember feeling my first sense of real clarity, a sense of inner balance. It still stands true these days, when I have my inner balance (emotional and spiritual) it is much easier for me to translate that sense of balance on an external level � a steady inversion.

Just wanted to share my experience on the journey to handstand.

In Love,
student lees

Coach’s note:
After my first book in 1985, it would not be uncommon for me to receive beautiful, majestic, handwritten letters like the one that appeared in my ‘real’ mailbox today from “peripheral” WF Student Lynn below. People back then, seemed to appreciate my attempts to articulate ‘literature’ within the fitness language that i had to use in my books. These fellow lovers of the written word sensed what i have always strived in my books; to fill the space between the words with a hidden CHI, an etheric language suspended yet connected by the linked words in black and white. For all of you whom have submitted a Book Proposal to a publisher, you realize the High Difficulty of becoming an author. Yet, to me, authors of such handwritten missives such as the one below from Mr. Lynn of Cincinnati, Ohio, are what genuine writing is all about. I created WF Online as a Written Path for i know that in making my Student take the time to put pen to paper, or even fingertip to keyboard, a certain and quaint measure of inner spaciousness must be cultivated in order to communicate. Talking is too easy. People these days talk too much, write too little. Inelegance of speech, dissipated speech, and mindless blather are all common training effects from people talking too much and writing too little.

i bow to Mr. Lynn and to his Sacred Space which gave birth to his wonderful words below. WF certainly does draw out the Noble Fitness Warriors from the masses, doesn’t it? What a couple of weeks it’s been on DL! I bow to all of you who are brave enough to Share your Practice Insights and choose to articulate them as best as you are able. Remember, God cares more about intent than technique. Be brave and share your Practice insights.

here then, is Mr. Lynn’s letter:

“Dear Steve –
May this letter find you well. Though my involvement with the WF Tribe has been peripheral, it has nevertheless been of great movement in my life. Worthy of remark is the consideration that within the realm of the spirit, the realm of Wholistic Fitness’s ultimate destination reside the very keys to even the most antagonizing of the world’s concerns. By your efforts you have provided both an inspiration and a guide to others who seek those keys. In a word, your work is integrally relevant to the task of humanity today and I bow in deep gratitude for your commitment.

Gratefully yours,
Thomas Lynn Jr.

PS; if there is anything i can do for you, please let me know.

PSS: Here is a great George Bernard Shaw quote:
“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown in the scrap heap; the being a Force of Nature instead of a feverish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”


I thank the universe everyday for having been guided to TBT at Barnes and Noble almost 6 months ago. Your leadership and commitment to outstanding results is inspiring and much appreciated. I am feeling that it will be time to move into Phase 2 with SR, and maybe even step up for some WF coaching as well. I will complete a full , consistent cycle of Green Tara on 10/23, take a week off, and get ready for next phase.Please advise on Phase 2 product and use as I will be ordering in next week or so. Namaste,
New Body Gerry

This DL brought to you with Tribal Chi
as all-Ways
from beneath the Sacred Peak
and into your Precious Life…

The Sacred Peak hovers in last evening’s final rays of light above the WF Temple H(om)e

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