Published on Oct 15, 2005 by in Uncategorized



Can enjoying the SUNRIDER herbs regenerate you?


Can enjoying the SUNRIDER herbs keep you at age 23 for rest of your life?

Yet, if you have been reading DL, you well know by now that SUNRIDER’s like WF Teacher Joy Kilpatrick, seen above at age 23 as an accomplished actress and dancer, juxtaposed with a great Wayne William’s photo of Joy today at age 38, can keep that radiant beauty that goes more than just skin deep; eating SUNRIDER and practicing WF can radiate your SPIRITUAL BEAUTY! Joy is doing things today that she has never done before in her life and it all starts with feeding your CELLULAR FITNESS accurately and powerfully…
which is where Coach Ilg’s 3-Phase Approach to the SUNRIDER Herbs, combined with a WF Lifestyle just keeps your life regenerating and popping with all sorts of energy! Just click on Joy or any of Coach’s Certified WF Teachers on the left hand margin and start on your SUNRIDER and/or WF Journey today! If you don’t? Your cells will be that many fewer and that much less fit tomorrow. Hey, it’s your choice.

Below, Joy, a SUNRIDER Director, answers a question from one of her students:

On Oct 12, 2005, at 8:49 PM, joy kilpatrick wrote:

Noble Herb Warriors,

i just received a very common yet important question from a new SR family member.
i TAF (think and feel) it is worth sharing with all of you for this is how we
continue to learn and grow in our understanding of just how powerful
and regenerative are these amazing Whole Foods of Sunrider Herbs.

It also affirms why Coach Ilg has created his 3-Phase Approach to SR Herbs.
He cares about our long term health and fitness. Their are many using Sunrider
Herbs without such wise-experienced guidance and thus overloading their “systems” to soon, to fast.
And the outcome is…they stop using the Herbs.

Remember, Direct Lines, Coach’s Daily Online Journal is your first source of information.
Research through DL’s Archives @

Now onto Herb Warrioress, S…

S: One more question. Since both Calli and FD are for cleansing purposes, I�m curious to know why Coach encourages the use of FD more?

� Great Question!

The reason Coach Ilg recommends drinking FD during the day is because it GENTLY cleanses the toxins from the cells,
thus slowly liberating the fat, giving you a steady burn of adipose tissue. And as you have felt, your energy level begins to increase.

Calli on the other hand, pulls heavier toxins from the cells for a deeper, more AGGRESSIVE cleansing effect. If taken too much,
in Coach’s experience, it overloads the liver and tends to be too demanding in the beginning journey of SR on the cleansing system.
And can effect your subtle anatomy (nadis and chakras) if not properly monitored.

Meanwhile, Slim Caps are working on the deeper, impacted fat – the old stored fat

and Action Caps target the new fat and fat that is liberated through exercise.

All for now…

Astral hugs to you all!

teacher ananda

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