FVR; “SUNRIDER’s most versatile product!”
People are surprised at my answer, when asked, “Well, Big Mr. SUNRIDER Guy…which SUNRIDER product do you use most often?”
i answer, “FVR, BABY!!!”
they reply, “FVR, what the hell is THAT?”
“Fruit and Veggie Rinse, man…i would not eat ONE piece of fruit or vegetable without it…and it keeps our entire Temple Home clean, insect free, and we even use it to clean our floors! It is, by far, SUNRIDER most versatile and under known product.”
by Trish Childers,
We’ve already talked about ways to strengthen our immune systems before the �Flu & Cold� season begins. But, during the recent DR Talk conference call, DR Dees reminded us our first line of defense has to be in carefully cleaning everything we consume.
Yes, the Hand Cleansing Gel is also a must, since it kills bacteria we come in contact with every day. But, think about it, how many hands do you think handled that nice crisp apple before you bought it? Or how about the oranges, carrots, lettuce, potatoes?
Even the Associated Press carried an article stating that what we are calling the �Flu� or a �Cold� could very well be caused by the fruits and vegetables we buy in any grocery store anywhere in the US & Canada. It�s estimated that over 200,000 people get sick from food bacteria every year! So, maybe what we are calling the flu is really just someone else�s bacteria left behind on the apple you gave you child.
How to prevent this? Their suggestion was to be sure we wash everything under running water before we eat it. Well, you and I know that running water simply isn�t enough. You do know better, right? What! You have never tried SR�s Fruit & Vegetable Rinse, oh my goodness order a bottle today!
While on one of our Sunrider Cruises a few years ago, a Distributor who is a peach grower in California shared his experience with Sunrider’s Fruit and Vegetable Rinse.
He told us that fresh picked fruit is immediately put into a machine called a hydro cooler which cools the fruit very quickly. It also contains chlorine bleach that supposedly deals with any bugs or fungus that is on the fruit. The bleach does not work particularly well and also introduces carcinogenic and hormone mimicking chemicals into the fruit and the environment. So he was curious to see how the FVR would work, instead of bleach.
He took FVR to the University of California and had it tested. They were so impressed with the results that they convinced the Government of California to subsidize fruit growers who wished to use Fruit and Vegetable Rinse instead of the bleach!
There are so many personal stories about how FVR saved the day. For instance, during one of the conventions, my friend ate something that absolutely did not agree with her. I mixed her up some FVR in a glass of water & told her to drink it down! I�ll admit she did look at me a bit funny, but did it anyway. In no time she was feeling great!
I carry FVR in a small spray container (the Vitaspray bottle, once it�s empty) and spray it in the air around me, especially in the bathrooms on airplanes!
I too, have consumed FVR on many occasions, no it does not taste good, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Add a little Sunny Dew, if you must, but just drink it especially there�s any symptoms of upset stomach, food allergies, candida overgrowth or parasites.
Remember, Fruit and Vegetable Rinse is derived from food and is very safe for consumption. Try 1/2 – 1 teaspoon per day in a glass of water for a couple of weeks and observe the results.
Fruit & Vegetable Rinse, 1 oz trial Product Code: 310902
64 oz Product Code: 310904
“it does feel good to see the external shifts Although I�m pretty slim prior to SUNRIDER, my tummy was nearly always bloated. I didn�t think much of this until my friend commented the other day that my stomach has gone completely flat! WOW�”
of Teacher Ananda Clan
– Before i began SUNRIDER, i would struggle greatly in the Pranayama and Internal Cleansing aspects of my yoga Practice…the very moment i got onto Dr. Chen’s “Secret Herbs,” my internal fitness and powerful energetics began instantly and have only increased so joyfully over the past 22 years of using SUNRIDER Herbs every day. In fact, just a few days ago, i broke my course record on a classic 28-mile Mountain Bike Course in California! I only feel sorry for people who are NOT on these agents of the Divine!”
– Coach Ilg
The only Senior Registered Yoga Teacher with multi-World Championship experience.
photo of Coach above doing his Morning Nauli (stomach cleansing) Practice
{Not signed up with the TEMPLE HERBS OF WF?…Better git on Phase One today!…just click on one of my Certified WF Teachers on the left margin to begin your SUNRIDER JOURNEY beginning with PHASE ONE: Cell Cleansing and Fat Loss)!