Dear Coach,
what a crack up you are! for what DL provides to my workout energy and personal growth, i would pay $200/Month for DL! your upcoming subscription price of $10/month in 2006 is still the best Training Partner” around! since i found DL, i cancelled so many magazines it’s crazy! i love your vibe, your giving nature, and all the WF students and fans that try to do their best in so many ways! WF is so contagious that I live the Path without even knowing it sometimes!
now, if i could bug you for the type of Green Chile that you say is as “pranically powerful” as the SUNRIDER HERBS. i need to get my hands on this “Jet Fuel For The Soul,” as you say! please, i know you just gave out your Coach’s Casserole recipe but how about giving it up on your Green Chile HookUp!?
i have never said this word to anyone before, yet i TAF saying it to you is the Highest Way to start saying it:
Tom from Seattle
Well, since you buttered ol’ coach up so go(o)d and since i am festooned with holiday cheer, tell you what, come on inside, sit with me next to the pinon fire, and i will do something that i have never done before; i will hook you up with my third most powerful source of nutritional chi; New Mexico Chile, baby! (only Pranayam and SUNRIDER rank higher in the WF System of Nutritional Life Force). Good Lord Buddha i spoil you all…man…
okay, first of all, you gotta git yo’self here; this is Ananda outside the Sanctuario de Chimayo. It is the ancient Pilgrimage Site of the Sacred Dirt…this enchanting palace of uniquely ‘native’ Christianity functions as the Lourdes of America. thousands travel here to a little vestibule in the back of the church whereupon the Sacred Dirt can be found and rubbed upon ones body to heal all ills. Crutches, casts, eyeglasses…all adorn the walls of this vestibule no longer needed after spontaneous healing. i came here often during the worst pain years of my fractured spine…anyway, you can find this place. it is northeast of Santa Fe. jao!
now, after praying in the church and using the Sacred not forget to bring some home with you for your puja table!…walk west, northwest from the Sanctuario until you find this chili stand. that dude in the picture? uhhhh, he is only the most knowledgeable guru of chile on the planet. serious. for him…as well as for many of us…New Mexico chile is a very Sacred Vehicle of the Divine. you think i am kidding. whatever, dude. your loss. anyway, i only buy from this particular little stand in the outback of New Mexico and i will wait for hours until this Guru returns to his stand. Which, in New Mexico, is always hit or miss. Mas y Menos, baby! the green and red chile that is sold here is the most potent, the most delicious, and the most Highly Vibrating Energies still holding onto Food Form. Because the chili is grown right within the red, Sacred Dirt of this Miracle Land, you are actually ingesting a very High Form of Spiritual Energy.
Not to mention, it is downright delicious. So, get a bag of both red and green chile powder, grab a bag of pistachios, and have at it..the chili can and should be eaten directly when you are Grown Up enough…i use the Medium or Hot depending upon the year. Sprinkle it over eggs, veggie dishes, your lover, whatever works, baby! just Fly with the CHI(le)!
Oh, just do not eat the Green when Pingala is passive and the Red is best chewed on the left molars. There are other secrets to Optimal Chile Eating, yet, i TAF i have given away way too much already! Remember, as my Chile Guru taught me, “This chile is NOT a spice…it is an INGREDIENT!” Love that line!
I betcha SUNRIDER Herbs suddenly seem REALLY convenient, and they ain’t seeming so expensive now, eh? Hey, go(o)d nutrition, like go(o)d Teachers, are hard to find!
Vaya con dios,
mi hermanos y hermanas de espiritu!!!!
eat an herb and Rise Above!
the mountain yogi