Published on Dec 29, 2005 by in Uncategorized


A few DL’s ago, i compared the Holidays to a Championship Competition for a Yogi’s Practice. Well, i had my hands full to keep my Practice strong and sincere while hosting 11 people, 2 toddlers, serving three big meals, being the Tour Guide, and maintaining two international self owned businesses. i had to dig deep, baby. Thankfully, i had Ananda and her dad, Jerry, to help…BIG TIME! Our guests arrived on the 23rd and the last of them did not leave until this afternoon. during this time, the latest i arose was 5 am, even on the mornings when i did not get to sleep until the wee hours. it was during one of these early morning Practice sessions that i penned the, “A YOGI’s CHRISTMAS TALE,” (see DL; 12/26/05). Although pride is not to be cultivated by a yogi, i must say, that i am pumped at the following statistics during this intense time: Strength Training: 0 hours. Cardio: 7.75 hours. Solo Yoga Practice: 8.5. Solo Meditation Time: 6. Total Calories: 11,340 (1,890 kcals/day). Now, whenever i post such Statistics, i feel obliged by Honesty to admit that without my huge base of SUNRIDER Herb nutrition over the years to beef up my stamina and particularly immune system (5 out of the 11 guests were either contagious or sick) there is no way i could have survived, let alone thrived during such a crush of social/sick/stressful/high energy output/family dynamics.

May all Beings Awaken to the truly incredible Path of America’s Indigenous yoga; Wholistic Fitness� including the SUNRIDER� herbs.

Thank you so much for all of your kind Holiday Cards, emails, gifts, and phone calls!

I love you too!

here are a few more TWO TREE MANOR HOLIDAY pictures to bring closure to what was truly a Championship Event to test my Current Applied Practice of being a WF Yogi.

enjoy and my best to you and your family and your Practice for the new year!

om mani padme hung…

coach ilg

me, stretched out on a 5.11 indoor climb at Vertical Relief, my local climbing gym. www.verticalrelief.com
WF Teachers like myself are, “always on,” meaning, we simply cannot stop Protecting and Teaching the Dharma. Here is 60 year old Jerry Kilpatrick, Marine Warrior Father of beautiful Ananda, captured behind the snot lines as we supervise his first ever Neti experience!
whoever said you “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” evidently was NOT familiar with my coaching techniques! here is a nervous looking Jerry K. getting ready for his first ever indoor climbing experience! i LOVE opening new doors for people! allWays have, allWays will. it is my SvaDharma.
What do we do in Flag when there is no snow? Well, the best mountain biking in the world is here and just down Oak Creek Canyon in Sedona! the mountain biking in “Sedonuts” is better than Moab and…it comes complete with Vortices, like this shot of Ananda giving the THUMBS UP, LIFE IS GO(O)D” mudra as she cranks past Courthouse Rock, one of five energetic vortices in Sedona.
Back at the Temple H(om)e turned Child Care Center, my sister, Consuelo (aka; Coco) receives a most BEAUTIFUL necklace from Ananda which has been in her family for a long while. That is Norm, my Brother in Law, putting the necklace on Coco.
Who the hell says i don’t know what a Lady wants? A lightweight combo bicycle lock that fits in a jersey pocket, of course! The ideal gift for the Cardio Commuter in your family!
Look out Colorado Avalanche! with my new Hockey Stick thanks to SANTA, i’m gonna test for a Walk On at the Phoenix Coyote’s spring hockey camp!
my nephew, Mogeus, who seems incapable of taking a bad photo!
Holidays only become HolyDays when you gather with Family; doesn’t matter if that Family is biologic, self, or nature…i’ve spent plenty of holidays testing the fields of all three. What makes a holiday a HolyDay is simply a training effect from what matters most; Daily Practice.

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