One of the meanings of the yogic “OM” symbol is, “Balance Across The Body/Mind Capacities.” A well-taught yogi never pushes away his or her weaknesses nor attempts to hide them under an impressive layer of sport-specific, physiologic-specific, or egoic/intellectual-specific strength.
The genuine Seeker of Union (known as a ‘yogin’) tools his or her weaknesses into strengths; this unification of physiologic balance is required before attempting to unlock the powers of the subtle anatomy. One who has yet to find the Power and Speed in strength training asanas such as, “PowerCleans”, “Jump Squats”, and “Snatches,” should study these asanas before diving deeper into yin disciplines such as fancy yoga poses or meditation practices. The yogi who has yet to endure countless hours of cardio training and toe at least one Start Line of an endurnace or ultra-endurance competition should not attempt to dive deeper into yin disciplines such as fancy yoga poses or advanced meditation arts. Let alone teach them.
Well, because if we do so, we are missing First Base (see DL: 2/1). Without first spending years exploring and cultivating our physiologic weaknesses into strengths, we will never be able to fully trust our Consciousness. If we cannot trust our Consciousness, how confidently will we enter our Bardo Realms? Everybody dies. S/He who dies with the most Balanced, Strong, and Enduring Consciousness wins. Wins what? Wins the victory over death.
However, let us not get ahead of ourselves:
Without mastering physiologic balance, If you attempt to develop and then, worse, trust your subtle anatomical fitness such as dreams, visions, and Bardo Training…you are doing so with glaring gaps in your subtle anatomy; specifically weak and imabalanced Nadic Lines, feeble and undeveloped chakral energy, unpierced granthis, and imbalanced chi reservoirs. The Princess Kundala, if She DOES arise, will result in a neurotic Awakening in those yogis with such gaps within their body/mind paradigm.
A Cancer?
Here in the West, the recent explosion of asana-based ‘yoga’ has already begun a cancer of ‘certified ‘ Yoga Teachers who have not explored, let alone having mastered, their natural potential across their physiology. Too scared to leave that which they are ‘good at’, these ‘studio trained yogis’ unwittingly violate several of yoga’s crowning jewels of self development; the yama’s and niyamas. There is a scientific reason why the Masters taught their students moral and ethical Guidelines before teaching them physical and certainly, energetic arts.
The Cure?
The Steep, Direct Path of Wholistic Fitness�. Applied Spiritual Intelligence Across The Physiologic Spectrum. Don’t Hit The Bardo Entry with an unbalanced body.
Unbalanced Body = Unbalanced Mind
Unblanced Mind = Kindygarten Spirit
Go Back To School Young One = Go Back To Your Wholistic Fitness� Practice.
Leave specificity to the Insect World; attend to your Wholistic Fitness�…even if it means spending the next decade turning yourself into a marathoner or a bodybuilder or a asana expert. Pick your physiologic weakness; draw a big Divine Bulls-Eye on it; and shoot your Arjuna Arrow into that Target and Begin Again,
and Again,
Endlessly Again.
Coach’s Old Tricks…just being done at an Older Age…
Saturday; February 18th;
Capture the Overall Team Championship at Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon
climb “FLAKE ME OUT” V3+ (5.12-) within 3 attempts
climb “SHOULDER THE BURDEN” V5 (5.12+) within 6 attempts
Give it try sometime…i’ll spot you…
enjoy the Gift of your Body/Mind Package today…keep testing Her capacities across the physiologic spectrum. True fitness is not about doing what you are good at, it’s about being balanced in all of the body’s abilities.
– Coach Ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness� since 1982