in Yoga, the “i” such as in – i am great, i am ugly, i am rich, i am poor, i am injured, etc, et. al –
stands for “ignorance”. until we break free from the over-identification of pleasing this “i” with entertainment and pursuit of pleasing this “i”…we remain locked in Ignorance and do stupid, selfish things…
{ignoramus’s rippin’ across fragile desert lands in pursuit of continually feeding sense pleasures into their egos.}
When we do the Inner Work however, and begin to See and Feel Differently…detached from this egoic construct of false self, we begin to Witness through our Awareness Practices, a deep, endless Friend; our Higher Self. This Higher Self is not wantom of constant feeding of Sense Pleasures…this Higher Self communciates to your lower mind (manas) as a friendly mind during meditation, as a powerul chi-filled spirit during fitness training and performances…
{Roy Wallack, an ultradistance teammate of mine, communing with his Higher Self during a tremendous Warrior pull on his bicycle into hurricane force winds in the Mohave….get his book; BIKE FOR LIFE; you’ll find some ilg dharma in there!}
To long to do what is hard to do…this is what separates the Spiritual Warrior from the Ignorant Fools that waste their one precious life…and waste Mother Earth’s tremendously beautiful Sources (there is no such thing as ‘natural resources’…there is only Mother Earth’s Sources…yep, you heard here first again and again…WAKE UP!).
i close now this Spiritual Kick In The Ass with one final Gift to you this this morning for your Practice: a Sogyal Rinpoche teaching:
“In his very first teaching, Buddha explained that the root cause of suffering is ignorance. But where exactly is this ignorance? And how does it display itself? Let�s take an everyday example. Think about those people�we all know some�who are gifted with a remarkably powerful and sophisticated intelligence. Isn�t it puzzling how, instead of helping them, as you might expect, it seems only to make them suffer more? It is almost as if their brilliance is directly responsible for their pain.
What is happening is quite clear: This intelligence of ours is captured and held hostage by ignorance, which then makes use of it freely for its own ends. This is how we can be extraordinarily intelligent and yet absolutely wrong, at one and the same time.”
Ignorance; Over reliance upon external need for fun, entertainment, TV, newspapers, gossip, warmth, food, sex, big homes, water uses…you name it; it is still an Addiction to Comfort, it is still and Addiction to Pleasing Egoic Senses…
WF Warrior Keith Kostman being comforted by WF Tribal Devotee Ron Jones; here, Keith is absolutely demolished by a several hour effort on his bicycle across the Mohave before handing off to me…Keith has learned about his True Self, he has communed with his Higher Self through his sweat and inner effort; this produces tiny Awakenings, fragments of Kundalini Awakenings..only when we do great things, only when we sit still without fidgeting, only when we DO THE PRACTICE of INNER ATTAINMENT instead of ENTER-TAINMENT…then,
oh Noble Fitness Warriors,
do we
Rise Above…
May Your Practice Be Strong and Sincere….
i’m going skiing…
love and sweat,
coach ilg