Coach Ilg (aka; “the friggen stud,”) in Yogi Squat, mixing up his Phase III Herbs in Taos, New Mexico. Coach has been on the SUNRIDER� Herbs for nearly a quarter century, allowing elite levels of multiDisciplined yoga and sport to be enjoyed each day with peerless immunity and energy levels. Coach has recently upgraded his unique PHASE III of using the SUNRIDER Herbs. read more below!
i have Updated my PHASE III Herbs-Only Guidelines, based on experiential, personal, and professional work over the past few years with the Phase III Herbs among all types of people including Dr. Chen’s most recent product:
Lean and Ripped Musculature and a RAMPED UP Cellular Vibration are some of the primary effects of this completely natural, whole food herbal formula; the latest from Dr. Chen!
if you are a SUNRIDER� Herbal Warrior in the ILG DOWNLINE and have been on Phase II longer than one year…contact your Upline or myself to see if you are ready to receive my UPDATED PHASE III HERBS ONLY information.
Below i answer some questions from Noble SR Warrior Scott:
Coach Ilg!!
You are such a friggen stud, thanks so much for the wealth of infomation.
Just a couple of things about the herbs….what Sunrider product is good for Stress? I have been
busy with work/house projects/working out/tending my 22 month old son/etc. Sometimes I try
and juggle too much at a time.
� well, essentially, the longer you remain on the herbs…well into Phase III, the Transformation will eventually help you gain Clarity into what your spirit is having fun doing and what is stressing your spirit out. At this point of Intuitive Wisdom arising, it will be a matter of your Willingness to choose true Wealth (quality of life) over just being a member of the Rat Race. so really, the Herbs just keep Upshifting your body/mind/spirit toward the Highest Abundance and Energy possible in this lifetime. How you choose to use this improved Self and Way of Being is up solely to you!
on the Physical Level, you cannot do better for handling stress than the below herbs…i have listed them in order of
QuickFix to long-term:
� periodic hits of VITASPRAY
� Beauty Pearls (2-3 daily for emotive calmness)
� Wu Chia Pi (take as directed on label; fantastic for athletes as well, one of SUNRIDER’s most cost effective herbs!)
� ESE (take as directed on label)
� TOP (take as directed on label)
i have Updated my PHASE III Guidelines which address the above matter.
if you are in the ILG DOWNLINE and have been on Phase II longer than one year…contact your Upline or myself
to see if you are ready to receive my UPDATED PHASE III HERBS ONLY information.
Secondly, my son loves to take sips of my Fortune Delight, is this ok for such a young guy?
there is NOTHING more beneficial to the world right now than a SUNRIDER fed child; such a child will grow up
balanced and whole from the inside out! SUNRIDER kidz kick ASS on the junk food fed kids!
It’s funny, my wife will offer him a soft drink and he goes yuck, but says yum when I give a
taste of Fortune Delight–pretty cool huh?
what was i speaking of above? Intuitive Wisdom?…see, kids live closer to their Pranayama Kosha…their Energetic Sheath than do ‘adults’…so, if you feed them Accurate, Whole Foods like SUNRIDER then offer them poison (like a Coke or some crazy form of candy…SUNRIDER kidz will actually SPIT OUT the junk food! it happens often in this Tribe! classic!
Thanks again,
I love that you talk about old Cactus Ed Abbey…too bad he couldn’t get a hold of the herbs before he passed away.
SUNRIDER herbal warrior Scott
i bow to the Red Earth…
namaste and keep enjoying your SUNRIDER JOURNEY!
coach ilg