Noble Online Student Michael Cerame of NYC visiting the Temple H(om)e for a 2-Day Private Intensive…

Zen Sweeping, a long-time WF engaged Meditation. Here, MC mindfully sweeps using my magical “India Broom.”

Chopping wood; i supervise MC’s attempts to draw gym-fitness into Traditional fitness. “No, but I’ve seen it done on TV,” was his omnipotently cheerful response when i asked him if he had ever chopped wood before. The sweet perfume of recently split Ponderosa brought him back images and sensations of working with his dad who was a carpenter. It was a great, meaningful, and potent WF Workout…

Even though he took a Yoga Certification course, Michael wanted to learn Headstand (sirsasana) the HP Way…the Way Without Walls…here, Ananda is helping MC break new terrain as he enters Stage Two of my Headstand Learning Approach. To stand on our head requires a LOT of precursory strength training of the neck strapping musculature and exploring the sensitive areas of the skull casing before you can literally stand on your head, which is precisely what Sirsasana is about. It ain’t about kicking and flailing your feet up against some wall and using forearm and shoulder strength!

Where once a tree grew in Brooklyn, now a Brooklyn WF Warrior rides through trees! Finishing a singletrack uphill along a custom designed mountain bike route that would eventually end with a roller-coaster, 30 mph descent back into Flagstaff that had Student MC hootin’ and hollerin’ like some…KID! YEAH BABY!! our MTB ended right at the HP Yoga� Studio space to end our day with a HP Yoga� class with local HP Yogins!

The Sacred Peak early this morning; she has dawned quite powerfully…would YOU follow me up these rocky heights to apply WF Teachings within the Intensity of the Mountain Gods? As Day Two Dawns and i take my Beloved Shishya into the high Mountain “Yoga Studio”…we first head into the Zendo for a Mula Bandha Meditation and specific Pranayam before heading up to the Sacred Peak and ingest the Rare, Pure Pran!

then, let’s see what is else on the schedule…oh well sport climbing, then Bodywork…and you just gotta ask,

well, the Temple Bell just rang…i’m off to lead Student MC within..and my Heart Dances with Love for this Warrior of the INNER WORKOUTS!

I love my Students…

that is all,
coach ilg

founder/Wholistic Fitness� Personal Training

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