To my Coach……..ILGMAN, doer of all things fun and fitness, beloved guardian of the First Base Body and the Yoga Teacher of yoga teachers,
Now that’s a greeting ! You were right………yesterday’s DL is a spectacular teaching. Thank you for taking the time and energy to Be, Do and then still Have room in your Heartspace left to Teach from.
Your lessons do not go unnoticed , unlived or unappreciated by this yoga teacher who is on the Team…………Who’s on First Base ? Why student shel of course………..What’s on Second Base—–look at that Breath and Posture, must be student shel……………..Where’s on Third Base——no, “where” you want to be is going back over and over again to First Base………!
I Love You
samkalpin shel
*photo of ‘samkalpin shel’ with coach at a WF Private Intensive in Flag this past winter