Noble Coach Ilg and Temple Manager Ananda-
Please send me 2 t shirts in XL! They look too cool!
My cells are happily beginning to stew in Phase I SR herbs – i am ‘in process’.
i just wish to add my humble voice to the many, many, many who are grateful for what you are doing, all that you provide, and all that you Are.
i feel truly Blessed to know that you are part of my Journey, or that i am part of yours.
namaste’ and Blessings upon you both.
in Love and Service,
new student steven
ps what does the bar through the yang half of taiji mean on the WF Logo? and is that the sunface from one of the pueblo tribes- like on the old NM license plates? (i thought Sandia pueblo)
Noble WF Online Student Rookie Weiss of Clan Haku,
head and heart bowed to your Metta.
you are in for the 2 XL’s you will dig them! Ananda uses hers as a sleep shirt. she loves it!
the explanation of the WF Logo is on page 9 of THE WINTER ATHLETE.
the horizontal and vertical lines of the “Zia” – the Sun symbol – represent Rain in the Southwest Native American philosophy. Rain, if you have ever lived in the American Southwest, is far more precious than gold, thus Rain represents Abundance. The direction of the lines radiate like the Sun, providing Abundance in all directions. Just like having the Fitness of a Wholistic Fitness Warrior; our multidisciplined fitness allows us the freedom of health and fitness in ALL DIRECTIONS, not just one.
yes, i did integrate the “Zia” from my southwest upbringing with the Yin/Yang symbol to express my Eastern Studies/Lineage, matched with the Dumbbell to denote my Western karmic work in this lifetime. my Sva-Dharma has been to express Ancient Yogic Teachings stylized in the form attractive to the Western Fitness Warrior. a few of you “get it.” for most however, they cannot quite ‘grock’ the notion of seeing a versatile, balanced approach to lifestyle fitness as yoga. yet.
glad to hear your cellular purification has begun with the SUNRIDER Phase I herbs…proud of you! if the cells don’t have chi and clarity, their function is tamasic and no amount of training will change that. That is why WF begins at the cell level and why Nutrition is the Kingpin of my Five Fitness Disciplines.
may your Online Studies within my humble, Powerful Temple remain strong and full of enLightened inSight…
om so ti,
coach ilg