i would like to go official on the Temple Scrolls to report gleefully that i am beholding a ‘cold’!!!
now, some of you may think that i made myself sick over my poor Avalanche hockey team losing to Detroit in an unmentionable ‘sweep’ in the Stanley Cup Playoffs…aaaargh.
perhaps, however, as you’ll read in a moment, a more feasible reason exists…
my point is that i am totally stoked i have a ‘cold’!!!
why so happy am i that i finally have a ‘cold’?…well, the reasons for celebration are MANY!
a ‘cold’ is a fantastic thing…in fact, in this Temple H(om)e i do not refer to it as a ‘cold’ as much as i use the term, ‘immune development enhancement opportunity’ or an “IDEO“.
now there are several great things about having an IDEO for me (note; ME…steve ilg, not you, the following is my own Direct Experience and should be considered and consumed as such…)
1) finally, after several years of not hosting any illness whatsoever*, ilg can now obviously be seen to the common masses that i am just an average schmoe…my blood is red and i am not a ‘mutant’ like OUTSIDE MAGAZINE calls me. it’s just the highly extra-ordinary immune system empowerment of the WF Path of Yoga that causes the cellular body to vibrate so high that illnesses of the common man never reach the WF Yogi save for once in every great while. and, when these rare afflictions do visit us, we honor them become they leave us so quickly!
2) hosting an IDEO gives me an uncommon chance to rely upon other herbs and inner techniques to control the ‘cold’.
3) an IDEO rests my usual tendency to over-achieve, over-Love, over-do just about everything in my Blessed Life. in fact, yesterday, i took the ‘day off’ completely. i even watched 3:10 TO YUMA at 8:30 in the morning yesterday instead of out mountain biking or climbing or something. i haven’t seen a movie in quite a while and loved the multi-tiered Dharma Teachings that ran so eloquently beneath the violence of 3:10. to me, that movie was like watching a martial art or boxing match; only he-who-has-been-in-the-ring sees the obvious poetry behind the punching. because Joy was a movie star, we still get all these free movies sent to us so she can review them for the SAG and other academy award shows. it’s nearly a cryin’ shame our Inner Life and our Path of Service is so full and rich that we have no time for movie watching! they are kinda fun.
they don’t call it a ‘cold’ for nothing.
in fact, it’s called so because certain circumstances cause Pingala Nadi to shut down. thus, with our ‘heating element’ closed our system becomes, well, too ‘cold’ and there you have your running nose, head ache. the hot throat comes from Pingala’s inability to flow from his pivot junction at Ajna Chakra toward Muladhara Chakra. understanding this energetic layout, the well-trained yogi can take command of a ‘cold’ by relying upon certain herbs and inner Practices…which i’ve done and the results have been fantastic to observe. it’s not appropriate for me in this forum to describe the appropriate Inner Practices that are best for me to Behold This Cold and process it fully and quickly.
the Herbs i use however, can be useful for any yogi whom has the treat of an IDEO. Now, understand that the following herbs listed below should be used in conjunction with my SUNRIDER HERB Phase 3 and the MAP Amino Acids appropriate to my “Injury or Illness” dosage suggestions i send to everyone who signs up on MAP under me.
there are only three ‘toxins’ that are eliminated from the Human Body. they are; mucous, gas, and acidity. a ‘cold’ is a by-product from an imbalance in our capacity to adequately process a spike in mucous control.
listed in order of IDEO chronology from the moment you sense Pingala Nadi becoming shut down (your right nostril becomes closed and your throat thus becomes ‘sore’)::
1) STOP doing Neti and do not do Neti until the mucus of the IDEO has fully vented (ie; you are over your cold).
* drink hot water with Honey and Lemon
* drink hot water with QUINARY from SUNRIDER Herbs (‘QUINARY TEA’)
* drink room temperature electrolytes such as NUNN, EMERGEN-C, or RECHARGE.
3) take 2 Echninacea/Goldenseal tablets 3x daily (Nature’s Way proprietary blend of 900mg as an example).
4) take 1 SuperGarlic 6000 from Metagenics 3x daily
5) take 2 Citric C from SUNRIDER 3x daily.
6) take an IRON tablet of 25mg with #5…iron and C are a symbiotic relationship in physiology. optimal Vitamin C assimilation.
7) nothing better than making home-made and MANTRA-Soaked Chicken-Noodle Soup! this will not work for yogis unless you run the Mantra while washing and appreciating the organic chicken by yourself while running the Mantra…this is what turns the Chicken Being into Prasad. we place a whole chicken in a large vat and add organic potatoes, celery, onion, carrots, and chicken bouillon. spices should include a bit of turmeric.
8) Rely mostly on #7 and Miso Soup as your physical food. Do not burden your digestive energy by taking in high-density foodstuffs. think MacroBiotically during IDEO’s.
9) use a handkerchief…do not use a bunch of tissues; heavy on the earth. plus, tearing out one tissue from a box sends up a plume of weird micro and particulate matter and dust.
10) lay low. work can wait no matter how busy and important of a person you think yourself to be. take care of your body Temple; you are no go(o)d to anyone sick.
Discontinue all the above the moment you feel Pingala and Ida Nadi come ‘back online’ (i.e; both nostrils are running free and clear once again).
ReContinue your Early Morning Ritual with Neti as before the IDEO.
Appreciate this wonderful chance to use an IDEO to practice Pratyhara, Patience, and an empowered immune system.
i ‘got’ this IDEO by coming home to a house full of sickies (Ananda and Dewa) after a big pre-fatigue from solo moving our apartment belongings from LA to here. i was supposed to teach a PROP CLASS yesterday (Day One of my IDEO) however, due to the yogic Yama of Ahimsa (non-harming) i did not Teach in case i would be contagious. never, ever go to a group exercise class if you are hosting any level of an illness; that is very selfish and does harm to society.
Today, (Day Two) my throat is fine and my energy is sky high. congestion is centered yet slight at Pingala’s center (Ajna Chakra). i could easily train today, yet will not in order that my body can better put that energy toward kicking Pingala clear.
all of this IDEO wisdom comes from honoring the only two words in the WF Bible:
“Just Listen.”
May this help someone somewhere…
i will log this into the WF SanghaLounge under our APPROPRIATE ACTION Cave for future reference.
head bowed,
blowing nose,
your ever loving coach
* save for my Cold-Triggered Exercise Induced Asthma of 2007 which doesn’t count since that was due to a world-championship effort done at 12,000′ in alititude.