Namaste Noble Herb Eaters!
SUNRIDER HERBS; The Official Nutritional Program of Wholistic Fitness Warriors
Sunrider Update Missive: 5/22/03
by Steve Ilg, R.Y.T
An herbal conundrum has evolved within me.
Eating SUNRIDER (SR) herbs makes it feel GREAT to feel so dang good all the time…i mean, AMAZINGLY good…like, King of the World good…
but then,
it feels SAD when i see so many still stuck in their struggles to lose fat, feel energetic, and enjoy a mental state of fitness which hovers with equanimity.
Then there is another component to my conundrum.
If i write too passionately or frequently about my love of SR herbs, people i’ve never met from far away places
accuse me of being a “snake oil salesman” or some such thing. Why should it be so hard to speak with ardor about something that so easily and quickly accelerates body/mind health and fitness?
It’s been well over fifteen years but skeptics repeatedly snip at my love of SR herbs. No sting is felt, however from their paltry, predictable fear-based purging. Only compassion seeps into my bones like incense into plaster when i know i can help a person’s well being through SR but I hear only excuses instead of willingness to explore.
“Those herbs are too expensive.” What is MORE valuable than feeling and remaining fit, lean, strong, centered, happy, and powerful every – yes, EVERY – day? Actually, just forget about yourself for a minute to ponder: How many beings around you would benefit from you feeling great every day? You know what’s truly expensive? Wasting precious life moments by NOT feeling GREAT. What’s truly expensive: Being too tired to live fully, love deeply, and let go lightly. Also what’s truly expensive: hospitals, medical offices, and “side effects” from prescription drugs.
“Oh, i hate those multilevel companies.” SR is Direct Marketing – it deletes the numerous “middle men” which feast like parasites upon mass market retail systems. SR ships wholesale straight to your front door, baby. Homework: Compare SUNRIDER’s 58.8% world seamless pay out program with a grocery store’s customer pay out. You’ll get “Double Coupon Day” as their best response! More homework: Compare grocery store product quality and quality control with SR’S self owned, debt free, 45 million dollar state of the art World Headquarters and presence in another 25 other countries producing the world’s most highly concentrated nutritional products made only from the best natural ingredients and all pesticide free, yoga-friendly herbal whole-foods and skin care. Hint: You’ll soon see the Light, but be careful, it’s blinding!
“Why should I switch to SUNRIDER?” That is why the web address:
was created!
I don’t speak often of this, but the Ilg Downline CRANKS! currently, in May our downline has generated: $8,024.85
For the 7th straight month.
SUNRIDER sends me invitations to speak at their conventions and such. Sorry, but when i hear the word, ‘convention’ i reach for my gun. I’m not a Convention Type Of Guy. Too much hecticness for this mountain yogi. Just let me eat and share SR Herbs with those who, like myself, don’t want to waste one day of life not feeling GREAT! That’s all.
Summer means it’s the season of Iced Calli! Here is how:
Boil water in a standard kettle. Turn off. Steep two Calli Regular teabags in the kettle until cool. Fill a glass with ice and pour in the Calli. Add enough drops of Sunny Dew to make you feel guilty that anything so sweet tasting can actually be good for you.
What’s so good about drinking Iced Calli during hot weather as opposed to soft drinks?
Antioxidants, for one. Calli is chock full of antioxidants, the chemicals found in fruits and veggies (and Fortune Delight!). They include vitamins C & E, selenium, and catechins. Antioxidants ninja “free radicals” – molecular bastards that grab electrons from cells and morph them into cancer causing malformities that also degenerate skin and sap cell energy. Soft drinks are anything but “soft.” They’re brutal.
Calli’s other attributes are far too many to list. It was the original jade-engraved herbal formula for Shaolin monks that imparted mental acuity and stamina for their meditation sessions. Calli pulls heavy metals and toxins from cell basement membranes. Calli inspires cellular respiration. That means, Calli gets you lean. Calli functions like an adaptogen…it will pick you up when your chi is lethargic. It will calm you down when your chi is haphazard and hyper.
The Real Fortune is Fortune Delight!
The hot weather also signals the time to up the quantity of Fortune Delight which, like Calli, decreases impacted body fat (non-thermogenic adipose tissue) and free radical damage while elevating energy and physiologic efficiency. I constantly drink “FD” during the summer. Yesterday, I noticed I was getting a little short (‘only’ 2 dozen FD packages left in the cupboard…hey, i have a scarcity complex when it comes to SUNRIDER herbs..what can i say?). I am also man enough to admit that i DO NOT eat 8-12 servings of fruits and veggies per day, so I included the instrumental VITAFRUIT to my order. So today, here was my order:
1 101025 Fortune Delight� Lemon 10/3 g Packs for $6.75�
2 101055 Fortune Delight� Peach 10/3 g Packs for $6.75�
3 101045 Fortune Delight� Raspberry 10/3 g Packs for $6.75�
4 103011 SunnyDew� 1 fl. oz. for $12.45�
5 102011 Sunrider� VitaFruit� 11 fl. oz. for $38.55�
Total $78.78
No WAY SR Sorbet!
Another one of my strokes of SR herbal genius…try this out:
into a blender
� pour 10 oz of filtered water
� 20 oz of Chocolate flavored Silk Soy Milk
� 1 package of Strawberry VitaShake
� 1 package of Quinary (optimal, but optional)
� nice dollop of Vitafruit
� couple of ice cubes (optional)
� 10 oz of Haagen Dazs Raspberry Sorbet
� blend
� experience a health giving sensation dang close to Samadhi…
Current SUNRIDER “Stars” in the Ilg Downline:
Jo Ann Neff, Grant Couture, Ken Doyle, newcomer David Goes (they don’t call him “Goes” for nothing…this yoga cat of mine is GOING places with SR…he has already lost several pounds through SR and HP Yoga…great job, David!), Dean Krakel, Toby Leeson, Sean Madine, Shawna Schaub, Mark Featherman, and Bryan Hantman.
Good job guys! I know from your emails that you know FEEL the SR Effect! Ain’t life GRAND when you Shift!?!?!?
“There is so much nutrition everywhere!
The least powerful of it
comes in calories.”
– coach ilg
(Note: it might take you newcomers a few more SR Shifts before you understand that one!)
“May each of us
blend the worlds
– the inner and the outer –
so that all beings
may experience Happiness.”
eat an herb,
enjoy your day,
and treat yourself well…
i bow to you,
coach ilg