Above; coach ilg – A Wholistic Athlete – reveals a unique Body/Mind/Spirit performance key in today’s Teaching. shown; ilg approaches the 11,500′ Finish Line on the Agassiz Uphill near Flagstaff.
Most textbook-trained Sport Psychology ‘experts’ are long-winded on benefits and techniques of Visualization. in my own books, i have used the term and the technique extensively.
in the WF Tradition, however, i’ve kept a much Higher, nobler, and effective technique hidden from the masses; served only through my Teacher/Student Relationship…it’s a technique which i now reveal to you, Oh Noble Faithful Devotees of Wholeness through MultiDisciplined Fitness…
conventionally trained athletes and corporate warriors have heard and learned about visualization; the art of ‘seeing yourself’ perform a given action on what is essentially a pre-schoolers version of the Astral Realm, before animating the action on the Physical Realm.
ilg doubts, however, if you have ever even heard of a far more profound, effective, and sacred technique of enhanced performance which relies upon nourishing the astral body before a big race or event. it’s a Technique which i call, “Visceralization,” and its impact upon the body/mind/spirit of a warrior preparing to perform is intensely beautiful, powerful, and effective.
i used this wholistic technique yesterday, as i pre-skied the State Championship Classic Ski Course up at Flagstaff Nordic Center in preparation for the Sunday morning meet…
rolling diaphanous mist layers, not unlike those luscious early Santa Monica ocean mist mornings, danced before me on the short 8 mile drive up to the nordic area. the highway, which leads to the Grand Canyon, was girdled by enormous snowpack. each pine needle of the Ponderosa and Aspen Beings was covered with a fresh 3″ of powder perched on each limb, like Christ’s own linen draping. ilg was transported easily into a Higher Realm. what a great Blessing to live and train in such poetic, celestial might. i invoked Quan Yin – the embodiment of the Divine Mother – and showered mercy upon my fellow Fitness Warriors trapped within the clogged cities and forced to find their sweat upon treadmills and other machines…ilg bows to those magnificent Fitness Warriors who still Do The Do even when Doing The Do is devoid of the Pranic intensity and religious serenade of the snowy scape within which i sweat each day…
it’s essential to pre-inspect a Race Course (those non-competitive warriors, will need to draw the metaphysical implication from “Race Course”). you’ve heard stories about how Lance Armstrong will be pre-riding a Time Trial Course in the wee hours of the morning, often in slanting rain while his competition sleeps in. that’s cuz the big boss from Texas is smart. though he might only be doing such Course Pre-Rides to gather intellectual data from each curve, each apex, each ripple and paintstripe along the Course, ilg likes to think also that Lance – perhaps unconsciously – is performing what i have come to call a “Visceralization” of his upcoming race.
where Visualization is kept locked upstairs in the mental sphere, Visceralization is a full-body/spirit projection of our Astral Self within the Feeling Realm, not merely the Intellectual Realm. in Visualization we ‘see ourselves performing’…in Visceralization we ‘feel ourselves competing.’ now, i chose the Word Choice “competing” instead of “performing” because to compete means, To Arise From Within and i’ve timelessly Taught you about the Value of toeing Start Lines in order to extract our most rich rasas…our deepest essence. without toeing a Start Line, the warrior is quick to rationalize hard effort as ‘best effort,’ however, not until those nervous, fidgety m(om)ents before the Gun goes off, surrounded by equally focused and trained warriors as you…not until THEN is genuine spirit ignited.
the value of Visceralization is that it gives the Warrior a much-needed opportunity to purge the nervous demons and anxiety associated with inevitable suffering (of which all true sports pivot) sure to come during the actual race. yesterday, while hammering my heart rate on short sections and recovering quickly, i used the hammer time to first visualize my arch rivals either in front of me or in back of me.
i use Astral Hearing to begin a-tuning my spirit to the grunting breathing of my competitors, their skis and poles hitting the snow like machine gun fire in back and in front of me…
i use Astral Sight to hover above dozens of potential race situations; my pole breaking, going off in front solo, working with a 3-man breakaway, falling and having to bridge back to the leaders, i see it all; thus preparing for an unconditional onslaught of my own spiritual tenacity…
i use Astral Taste to feel the quixotic mixture of blood, phlegm, mucous arising from my heaving, bellowing thoracic and abdominal cavities which are strained to their maximum as i relentlessly pound away at the snow with my poles and skitter my skis as fast as effective tempo allows. i thus heighten my immunity to the taste of defeat, instead sense only the sweetest ingredient of all; PODIUM PUDDING, baby!
i use Astral Touch to meditate upon the sensitivity of my skis upon Sister Snow. each ski stride i touch the race course like a lover touching his or her partner. with this Astral Touch, i become One with the Race Course; win or lose, i vow only my endless gratitude to inhabit such a health body/mind/spirit to even be able to DO such wonderful activities, let alone compete for Overall Wins at my age!
i often use the Ai Imawa Teachings and Training Effect to welcome a natural grace to my ski technique; as ilg Touches the snow, the snow Touches ilg and we are One With The UniVerse. throughout the decades of my competitive career, i’ve always wanted to ensure graceful movement not herky-jerky, robot-like action. in fact, this sense of Fierce Grace is a more valuable inner podium of mine, than any outward one. fortunately, the more i develop Astral Touch in my pre-race sessions, the Gods of Technique ensure speed. don’t focus on speed, focus on Technique and the best way i know of for doing that? is to cultivate Astral Touch.
i use Astral Smell to expand all my senses; Smell is kinda like what Meditation is to the other four Disciplines of WF…it’s the Great Expander of our Body/Mind/Spirit. Smell is intimately related to the MahaTeacher; Breath. Smell is also nearly 80% responsible for our sense of Taste. on our physical realm, Smell is associated with Taste and our limbic system…that seat of our emotional life. on our astral realm, smell is associated with Breath and thus our Bridge to the astral and eventually causal reams. during a pre-race inspection, i make sure invoke my physical capacity to smell; smell the snow, smell the heat radiant from my sweating body, smell the pines…then, like a judo-player, i throw my physical Smelling into the astral realm and start smelling the sweat of my competitors. i can differentiate the Smell of a Dorito-and-meat eating competitor from that of a more pure, wholesome athlete. if i Smell the stench coming off a chronic meat-eater or junk-food consumer, then it only takes a milli-second to reflect on my long decades of SUNRIDER Whole Food Herb and MAP Amino Acid consistency to KNOW WITHIN MY SPIRIT that ilg is far more cellularly and thus vibrationally fit than the animated debris in front of or in back of me and that knowledge alone spurs me to attack him again and again and endlessly again…until my Visceralization manifests in yet another glorious and spiritual step onto another Podium of Self.
May this Teaching of Visceralization allow you to FEEL more deeply your precious incarnation so that you may in turn FEEL your Inner World and work to serve our Outer World with renewed spiritual conviction.
Profound be thy Stillness…
off and into my priceless snows,
your feeble teacher