THANK YOU; the MAP Contest

Published on Jul 29, 2010 by in Durango Vibe, WF News


ilg sports the Durango Sombrero yesterday after a 60k, 3,7000′ of climbing road bike ride and needed to cool off in the Sacred Animas before laying down the Dharmic Sweat at HP PROP. photo by Ananda.


Most Precious and Noble WF Sangha,

thank you to all of you who took the effort to answer my Temple Gong and clicked on our MAP video for the contest. mathematically, it looks like we lost by a few dozen views.

the “Military Video” was the exclusive video being shown on the MAP site for weeks and had
336 hits…we went from zero to 298 in a few days.

we may have lost the MAP Contest, however, we – as always – won the Wholistic BattleDance.

as one WF Devotee wrote about the Contest;

Noble Coach,

I’m not sure exactly how “a group of Soldiers and Leaders” is “a customer” per se, but whatever …

“Dr. Minkoff is anticipating a great response to the contest. He says, ‘We get a lot of written testimonials about MAP, so we thought it would be fun to encourage our customers to make short video testimonials about their experience of taking the product. I am really looking forward to viewing the entries.'”

They didn’t even speak on their video!

Anyway, I TAF your family-oriented video is brilliant (and adorable). If nothing else, maybe some people will see it on the BodyHealth site and check out WF as a result.
– M


dat’s right, baby!

hey, the most important thing is to inspire those interested in deepening their cellular health and performance to get on MAP.

if you are not already on MAP, use the ILG MAP LINK to order and re-order and i’ll be your MAP Sherpa, 24/7 for an amazing nutritional journey for you and your family. BodyHealth is a small company, and MAP is a very expensive product to manufacture at it’s level of purity and formulation, so i don’t know how long they will be around; so take advantage NOW!

i’ll catch up with the continuation of my COMPRESSION MAN Product Review next on iDL…

again, thank you for answering the Temple Gong…love all the Facebook input!

head bowed from beside the Sacred Animas,


ps; i am seeking permission to get our “Adorable” MAP video on my Bodyhealth site.

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