Noble Student Starling –
from all your poetic Update note…these following words from you
are the spiritual sutra (thread) that will one day
transform ALL of your afflictions into balanced strength and wholeness:
On Jun 10, 2004, at 8:28 PM you wrote:
“The herbs seem to be replacing coffee.”
in these words, there is a effortless effort that reveals
transformation happening…at the Cellular Level.
today it is coffee…coffee is degenerative; it destroys nutrients and chi.
the SUNRIDER herbs simply will not tolerate degenerative, offensive forces in your body
if those forces are stronger than your defensive forces (immune and psychoenergetic systems).
next year, instead of coffee being replaced by your intuitive natural strength progression along the Path of WF,
it will be one of the medications you are on today that will be replaced by pranayama or some other
natural self-abiding strength that the WF Path will release!
ten years from now?!?!?
two decades from now?!??!!
always remember, New Student Starling,
your body is constantly regenerating…every thought counts
each action matters…
in your regeneration of Self:
how much of a NEW body do you want?
that depends on how much you can visualize your health and balance…
head bowed to you from a spine that was once limp and paralyzed…
how much can you visualize what you want to heal?
you are in charge,
Coach Ananda and i only Serve what you are capable of visualizing…
coach ilg