coach Ilg,
I bought your book a few months agao and have been working my way throught he exercises and all I can say man is wow.� You have really taken me up to the next level, I have been practicing martial arts since I was 14 and I haven’t felt a training high like this since Taiwan.� I train everyday with my wife who is also impressed by your program.� I have been telling her that she should give it a try, it will change her life, but since she has seen the amount of muscle growth in me during this program she’s nervous that she’ll end up losing her feminine looks.� Any advice?
Brandon Reece
Noble Warrior Brandon –
wonderful letter…thank you. i bow to your Metta!
tell your wife not to worry. the female WF Physique is absolutely
beautiful…we would NEVER let a woman grow big and bulky muscles…
my female Warrioress’s of the WF Way will testify; WF is unmatched for
sculpting functional, lean, and very womanly physiques. just read DL for
all sorts of great testominies from my female celebrities and tness warrioress’s,
speaking of great female physiques, i will have our own Ananda, a WF Online Teacher
in Training contact you directly…perhaps your wife could work with Ananda
through our Online Training system!
Enjoy the Practice,
coach ilg