Published on Sep 04, 2004 by in Uncategorized


�Dance, when you�re broken open.

Dance, if you�ve torn the bandage off.

Dance in the middle of the fighting.

Dance in your blood.

Dance, when you are perfectly free.�

– Rumi

��� offered by WF Apprenticeship Teacher Ananda, shown above with director/producer Wayne Williams on the set of productions. will offer the equivalent of over 30 DVD’s on ALL aspects, disciplines, and sacred teachings of WF! coming next year! ���



Q) Dear Coach, i never see you eat. do you really just live on those herbs and still do all that stuff you do?

A) No, the rumor that i live entirely on herbs is unfounded. i also eat New Mexico Green Chile.

i eat the herbs, from SUNRIDER, as ‘jet fuel’ for my body.

i eat the green chili, specially ordered from Albuquerque, is ‘jet fuel’ for my soul.

{ to blast off on the same “jet fuel” as Coach does just look left margin and sign up for a SUNRIDER membership under a WF Teacher of your choice. For the chili, go to;

tell ’em Coach Ilg sent you!}

Q) Where is the best place to integrate Zazen Practice in daily life?

A) On a Kawasaki z1000 in between the thousands of cars on the 405 in LA, during rush hour(s). that is, truly, engaged zen. if you doubt me, c’mon out and we’ll ride together…you will see.

Q) Dear Coach, i want a tan like yours.

A) Then be prepared to accept Skin Cancer as just a valid Way to exit the Stage than any other.


dear ‘feeble one’,

You are a Master Teacher and Protector of the Dharma.

thank you for honoring me and our work two-gether.

i bow humbly, deeply…graciously



Overheard after a HP Prop Workout at the HP Yoga Studio,

“Wow, you are a mother of that many kids? That alone is your workout, not this.”

“Oh no, I HAVE to do this {the HP yoga classes} so I can be a better ‘mom’ to my kids.”



Noble Student Steve Mackel, endurance athlete extraordinaire with Coach at a local booksigning for TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION


This weekend (Monday) is Run 2 the Top of Mt. Baldy. This race is Approximately 8 mile run with a 4000 foot elevation gain. Beginning at 6,000 ft. elevation. The first mile is paved roadway followed by 5 miles of steep narrow dirt roadway. The next mile, a narrow “catwalk” trail that hugs the mountain side: the final mile, the steepest, is above the timber line. The finish line is atop beautiful Mt. San Antonio (Mt Baldy) at 10,064 feet. Go to:

It could remind you of the mountains you come from, just not as high but overlooking our wonderful zooapolis, LA. I got to say it is beautiful up there early in the morning. Anytime under 1:35 is moving. You get stuck behind people and can’t pass because it is to narrow with steep drops. HPer’s, Yogi B, Laura, Larry and others will be, hopefully, eating my WF dust. It is a time to breathe and feel the earth under us as well as the sky above us. And all this is after a high intensity triathlon workout on Sat. Gotta love it! Love to Sweat, Sweat to Love.

Have a great retreat :)




Dear Steve,

Thank you. You hit the nail on the head. As i have said before, i am always yours. These have been tough times but your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. i want to order two more FEAR AND FITNESS CD’S. Best of luck on your trip.

Love , Kendo



Section C. Yoga

8) Any standout reactions in this discipline of HP Yoga Practice?

Yes, a small amount. Baby steps, baby increases. As you know, the hips are oh-so-tight � I don�t know when it happened that I could not sit cross legged. I�m not even close to getting knees on the floor. As a teenager, I used to lie on my back on my bed and hook my leg over my head and under the bottom edge of the headboard. A full split. But I digress.

One major frustration: since I am still far from being able to get my leg through from downward dog to lunge position, it makes me crazy as I am always behind a beat or two from everyone else, and it breaks my rhythm, my flow, my breathing.

9) What has been a transpersonal effect from the Practice?

Of all the {WF} disciplines, I like the yoga the best, as I find it the most kind and forgiving, while still challenging me to my edge. Lots of edges. It also reminds me of ballet, as the quiet but intense focus is like doing a good barre and focusing on the perfect leg or foot movement or position, pushing to do a higher extension or faster bourree, but while holding an elegant posture. It feels familiar. And I like the stillness and meditative elements. When I�m not thinking of things I shouldn�t be (actors, underwear, etc!), I hear things I might otherwise miss. Like one night when Steve said during savasana �if you had nowhere to go, who would you be� – yikes!



“Dear Teacher,

Why do we consider FAILURE so GOOD in WF?”

Teacher Ananda:

” I�m not sure I have the �right� answer, but on page 66 of TBT Steve quotes Melville:�He who has never failed somewhere, that (wo)man cannot be great.� For some thing to be �right� would indicate some thing

could be �wrong�. In WF we �TAF� (think and feel), therefore, there is no need for right or wrong answers. i invite you to start using the phrase �taf� in your correspondences regarding our WF work together. Perhaps it might even find it�s way into your daily Practice.

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