Most Noble Sangha Rising Toward Wholeness,

ilg’s Teachers have been simple ones…
campfires, for instance.
it is likely that ilg has squatted, sat, contemplated, meditated, written, cried, laughed, told lies, related toward Great Truths, great thoughts before more campfires than
you might even conceive possible…

the past two nights, one with family,  the other solo,  your feeble teacher has stared once again – as have our Ancient Warrior Lineage for eons – into the dancing swirling Dervish smoke of another two campfires  and have
arrived at the following TAF:

Campfires are Upa Guru’s of Tapas….ilg has Taught – err, attempted to Teach – you all about Tapas through my words, sweat, and actions for the past 3+ decades.   Tapas = Spiritual Sweat which results in Karmic Purification.    See the log above?   See the smoke?    THAT is Tapas.   in that wafting, seductive, mesmerizing dance of smoke lies perhaps that most vital Teaching of all warrior athletes,  certainly of all yogis.    Do you know what that Teaching is?

The Teaching is;  Steadfastness along the Middle Path.   That’s what the Great Ones teach;  Buddha,  MahaYogi Jesus, Ramakrishna….see, the yogi/warrior athlete must not burn out…should the log (self) catch flame too quickly,  what happens?

Burned out.   Gone.

Yet,  when a log (self) smolders?   Hec,  i’ve made it a meditation to watch smoldering logs throughout the night…have you?   If you have stood such stalwart watch?   Perhaps you too would not need to be reading this…for you too would have Realized and be shook toward your every spiritual cell like Kundalini Thunder during your last Bardo Entry and you too would remember without the Doubt of Buddha:   Tapas must burn from within.

Interview past athletic champions;  they burn out.  Not good.  Not bad.  Some karmic loops are like that.  Children die at 3 months,  3 years,  some at 30.   Not bad.  Not good.  Not horrible…just Souls living out their karmic life rods this time around.

Interview yogic masters?   ahhhhh….the breath goes deeper…for They speak of the wisdom of pacing.  Not too tight…Not too fast…Not too rajasic…Not too loose…Not too slow…Not too kaphic.

A smoldering log will burn through the long, dark, cold night.   The Tapas within.

The dramatic and outwardly flame-bouyant log?   Sure,  it draws its “oohs and aaahhs” from the gathered spectators…yet, the ring of applause and appreciation is even shorter lived and less meaningful than the flaming log itself.

Spiritual athletic life smolders…the piercingly potent red heat is found within the log…the Great Ones smolder…the Shallow Ones flame out in their own (egoic) Fire…

Pace thyself, yogi…
and smolder to sustain the Internal Heat required for the lifetimes of inner work toward In-Light-ten*-ment

your feeble ilg is always open to questions on this and all Teachings in the WF SanghaLounge;  the world’s most underused Source for cost-effective Transmissions from Teacher to Students!

Blessed be thy Sweat,
Blessed be thy Stillness…

{  }

*ten:  there are ten Bumis or Attainments which must be reached before Enlightenment appears

One Response to “Where There Is Smoke? There Is Wise (Inner) Fire; a treatise on Tapas”

  1. padma says:

    exactly what i needed to read, Wise one.
    head bowed,

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