“Called or Not Called, God is Present.”
– Carved in stone over psychologist Carl Gustav Jung’s door
“Don’t die wondering and look good naked.” My two personal training goals which gave birth to formal creation of
Wholistic Fitness over 25 years ago. Above; still testing my own training theories in the only laboratory that
truly matters; the laboratory of sweat and inner spirit. Time Trialing through Death Valley photo by LA TIMES.
“We are sinful not merely because we have eaten of the Tree of Knowledge, but also because
we have not yet eaten of the Tree of Life.”
– Franz Kafka
Coach Ilg�s WF Monthly Training Averages:
Beginning My 27th Year of Formal WF Training
Let the Stats speak for the Work…My attention is on the new moment arising…
IntraDisciplinary Statistics
STRENGTH: 1 x/week; average time spent in gym per session: 34 minutes
CARDIO: 7x/week; average time per session: 1 hour, 15 minutes
YOGA: 7x/week; average time per session: 1 hour, 20 minutes
MEDITATION: 7x/week; average time per session: 31 minutes
NUTRITION: average calories per day: 850. bodyfat; 2.6% on 1/30/01
Predominant Training Styles Within Each Fitness Discipline:
STRENGTH: �EEG-GAD� w/plyos to develop running leg speed for Mt. Taylor Quadrathlon
CARDIO: cycling (70%), nordic skiing (15%), snowshoeing (10%), trail running (5%)
YOGA: High Performance Yoga �Slow Flow� (hip openers & backbends as apex) 80%, HP Prop Workouts (core as priority) 20%
MEDITATION: Pranayama (70%), Tibetan Facilitated EnergyWork (10%), Sangha Dedication/Visualization Sessions (10%), Zazen/Mt. Taylor Race Visualizations 10%.
NUTRITION: Sunrider Herbs; Phases I, II, & III. Dietary focus; cut out all uneeded calories, drop fat levels for Mt. Taylor Quad while increasing the Chi Factor.
Predominant Training Partners:
Solo: 85%, Steve Marlowe 10%, Ww; 2.5%, Ananda; 2.5%
Predominant Spiritual Shift Arising:
Hridayagranthi continued clearning resulting in Anahatanada
accessed and facilitated via Nidra Rishi B within svapnadeha
effect of mahalaghuva ongoing within waking states and other fitness disciplines
{details of chakral/nadic work not allowed, applicable, or appropriate for public}
Predominant Training Quote Arising:
�In each moment there are only two questions:
1) am i grasping, or
2) am i concentrating?�
– coach ilg, during an Early Morning Ritual on 1/23/05