CHOP WOOD, CARRY MAP…Aminos Could Bring World Peace

“The Path works when you work the Path.” Pictured above; WF Devotee Bryan Bishop of Colorado in yogi squat within his preferred Temple; a top high peaks. Coach- i upped the MAP Amino Acids and have been following your recommended amounts for almost 2 weeks now and i can already feel the difference from before. […]

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WF…"in times of of quiet desperation, always finding strength…"

Namaste Coach! I read your books and come to you in times of quiet desperation, always finding strength in your light. To move toward wholistic fitness is a longheld goal which so far has eluded me. Elizabeth Ynez-TulsenPaderborn, Germany COACH RESPONDS: Precious Sister of the Sacred Sweat and Stillness,as we say in WF, “Just Begin […]

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22 years of WF and still cranking…Student Kincaid

Mr. Ilg, I have trained with ‘The Outdoor Athlete’ for 22 years. 45 now and still going strong! I’m thrilled to find you on FaceBook and hope you will add me as a friend. – Kincaid Wood

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Academia Rings In: Warriorship is a birthright! "It’s very important" for ilg to keep doing what ilg does

WF; Because Warriorship is our Birthright! ilg likes it! what do YOU TAF? let me know in the SanghaLounge… that might just be my next WF T-shirt/bumper sticker! *** Hey Coach! I can’t get over how cool it is to email with you. Thanks for sending out the HP Yoga Basic Strength DVD today– REALLY […]

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Loved the Outdoor Athlete…

Published on Mar 24, 2010 by in Student Testimonials

Loved the Outdoor Athlete…

“Hi Steve, your training methods have really inspired my wife Serenity & I in our multi-sport expeditions across Bolivia. Loved The Outdoor Athlete. That’s a great Facebook pic!” Michael Coyne

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Published on Mar 21, 2010 by in Student Testimonials


Namaste Coach! you are awesome ..i just read Friday’s DL and thank you so much…now i am more confident and will practice your HP yoga from the TBT book and will follow thru the dvds… i will keep climbing, running, biking and enjoy them all…i would vote for you if you get into elections :))next […]

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"instrumental in assisting me to new levels of in~sight, health and well~be~ing." – HP Yogini Chels

Coach…You are truly missed {here in Flagstaff} and thought of often. I re~member you and Joy all~ways. You guys were instrumental in assisting me to new levels of in~sight, health and well~be~ing. Sending full love and appreciation for your influence in my life~ love, The matless oneChels coach’s postscript: in-Deed, my Precious Yogini Chels quickly […]

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One Who Works In Devotion…

Published on Mar 15, 2010 by in Student Testimonials

One Who Works In Devotion…

Bhagavad-gita 5.7- “One who works in devotion, who is a pure soul, and who controls his mind and senses, is dear to everyone, and everyone is dear to him. Though always working, such a man is never entangled” I read this and thought of you Coach, hope Durango is awesome! – HP Yogi Bruce Arnold […]

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