New HP Yoga Flyer on website:

Published on Nov 07, 2007 by in WF News, Yoga


HP Yoga Flyer

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HP Yoga teams up with Northern Arizona Yoga Center!

Fall not fall in love with another person as much as falling in love with the strength of their Practice. For, inevitably, it boils down to the strength of Personal Practice that keeps all Relationships loving ones.– coach ilg Bhahadrasana, Snow Canyon, Utah. ilg archvies unites with the new Northern Arizona Yoga Center!! Namaste Noble […]

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WF Temple Notice

Published on Oct 25, 2007 by in WF News


Noble Sangha, it has just come to my attention that some of you are having difficulties ordering on the PRO SHOP… ilg is on it like a HeartSpace is all over Peace… ? well, you know what i mean;THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRACTICE OF PATIENCE and all-Ways let me know about such things,or ANYthing for […]

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Dewa On Course To Come Home Today!

Published on Oct 11, 2007 by in WF News


THANK YOU OH NOBLE SANGHA! your collective intensity of concentration upon the Mantra was surely in part responsible for a sudden upshift of vibrational health for Dewa! after many tests, it appears as though a rare ‘sliding hiatal hernia’ may have accounted for Dewa’s stoppage of breath two nights ago. the Head Doctor – a […]

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First, this is not a Temple Gong; no Red Alert. Yet. Second;invoke WF Lifestyle Principle #1;Breath and Posture Adjust your spine into her most elegant fashion that you have steadily enhanced during your Time with me. Elegance of posture is more than physical; it metaphysically grounds our minds that are usually too quick, too undisciplined […]

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Wednesday; Off The Grid and into the Eternal Witness

A heads up, especially for my Online Students;i guess we are going to be out of electricity all day tomorrow (Wednesday)(hey, it’s still the wild west, you know)so DL will be back on Thursdayand i have all SORTS of great new Teachings lined up; also, thank you for all the kind words about the last […]

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Hakado Ru’s Love Byte For Dewa’s Clan please enjoy and leave a WF Sangha Love Note for WF Student Hakado Ru, okay? thank you, Hak! love and light from the Clan of Dewachen

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Temple ReOpen!

Published on Sep 19, 2007 by in WF News


Most Noble Sangha! THANK YOU for your Practice of Patience and ALL the loving letters in my Inbox! i’ll post some of them in the Baby Cave in the WF SanghaLounge, so that when Dewa grows up shecan see how many of you sent your LOVE to our family! okay, i’m trying to tear myself […]

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