Our medical industry has created a bijillion dollar per year highly lucrative money-making scheme around the unquestioned and quite fashionable disease of clinical depression (or at least ADD or ADHD OR HDTV or, well whatever, get begets get. garbage in? garbage out!). On the other hand, not does one dollar ever go toward clinical elevation. Could it be our doctors can’t make money from healthy, whole, self healing, happy people? hmmmmmm… now, the upside to all this? check it out: Dominoes Pizza has just released an ‘Oreo Pizza.’ thing must have more calories in it than i ate last month! serious! i’m putting up my August Training Stats here on DL next week; i betcha i’m right!
Seriously and quite sadly, we’ve become the (spiritually) blind leading the (spiritually) blind (and obese).
It seems wildly primitive and egoically assumptive to play such elaborate acceptance of so many ‘cases’ of ‘clinical depression,’ without any recognition given to what certainly must exist in the other end of the psychologic spectrum; why do not our ears ever hear the term, ‘clinical elevation?’ Why is no one ever diagnosed with ‘severe elation?’
Suppose the Lark Bunting or River Otter or even the three-legged dog whose tail still wags with unconditional happiness were to turn their perspectives upon the doctor’s labeling of so many millions of cases of ‘clinical depression?’ I see re-form possible within the innate substance of all humans as well as in deserted buildings or a fallen wild apple. If feeble ilg has such faith in humanity and the natural pacing of the UniVerse, why not the so-called modern doctors; our ‘experts of mind and body’?
So be it that I was made to love the Sacred Sweat and Stillness of daily, moderate discipline! Leave the depression to the whining coterie of money-bent doctors who press pills into the still pure spirits of their ‘patients’ as if in doing so their action was at a degree somehow Higher than that of the crack dealer or the meth-mill worker or the writer of too much fiction. All such escapism is bound by karmic tethers; shall ilg in another disguise welcome you again some lifetime hence? Will you try harder, more sincerely than this time to Rise Above the placated ways of pills, media, and the host of other afflictions of the chattering mind?
Don’t press pills into your ‘patients’ hands, Docs! Have’em press a mountain bike below their groins and feel the fresh wind upon their skin for Christ’s Sake!
Alas, the era of Wholistic Fitness may soon be over… Perhaps ilg has disguised the great Healing Capacities of multi-disciplined personal fitness far too cleverly or far too humbly? Perhaps you would have listened more deeply, sweated more fiercely if ilg had a rambling franchise of 250-acre Retreat Centers and if only Oprah would befriend me like Dr. Phil? Would that work better for you? Perhaps, like the coming of the falling leaves outside my office, the width of my vocabulary speaks too abstractly and my sinewy, functional form is a ground too far grounded to a Global Tribe whose penchant for pills and fancy brochures and fast-moving things outweighs natural pacing and appetite for sweat and stillness and quiet, quiet, alone time.
Off be i now to pedal my mountain bike among
the skunk cabbage and deer strewn alpine meadows.
how weary i am of society’s pining about ‘How busy life is,’ while the restlessness of our undisciplined minds – lacking from unfulfilled soul nourishing deeds – feeds upon our addiction to doing like spiritual fungi.
Aye, ilg is better off indeed, pedaling about the skunk cabbage and deer to k(no)w discernible purpose.
Better off indeed than being clinically labeled and treated like some poor chimpanzee, shaved and tortured for the sake of ‘higher medical knowledge.’ feeble ilg says, the best doctor’s office – the most effective psychologist’s couch – is allWays and endlessly found within the sacred inner Temple of sweat and stillness.
May All Beings Be Happy and Know The Causations of Happiness,
May All Beings Overcome Ignorance and Know The Causations of Ignorance,
May All Beings Overcome Confusion Of The Real and Know The Causations of Confusion,
May All Beings In All Realms Be Free and Know The Causations of Freedom…
om so ti,the mountain yogi
photo 1; a Namaste from the capital of Turtle Island; Window Rock, Arizona. by Ananda.
all other photos by ilg