NOTE: i’d like to thank you for your Practice of Patience…i’ve got two GREAT pics taken during the Race by a professional company out on the course, however, the price they want for them is like quadruple the amount of money i already lose on this blog…so, as i negotiate the ransom, i truly hope you enjoy these photos taken by Ananda and myself…
could ramp up my exhausted, new daddy body and mind.
Here is the Precious Double-Mala Wearing reason for my chi-less Race Morning…my Birthday Girl (2 years old on Race Day) is, shall we say, a highly spirited lass.
i might have laid in bed, getting angrier and angrier at how F*%ked Up was my Pre-Race Day (not eating, exhausted from driving) and Pre-Race Night (no sleep, baby crying, exhausting neural pathways instead of replenishing for the race) and such anger would only add to the frustration of seeing several months of training get blown into fatigue by this very common New Parent Scenario.
There are no accidents as our various karmas await the opportunity to come into fruition. And my Pre-Race disaster must be viewed as one of these karmic opportunities in which to Practice, to purge, to Rise Higher!
So important is this Teaching, that i am going to devote a DL in the next few days particular to the role of karma in the outward manifestation of my demolished Pre-Race ritual. If we, as Fitness and Sport Performance Yogis, do NOT get behind this understanding, then we will continue to vent our anger, our frustration in mis-directed ways; toward our family, toward ourselves, toward others. Instead of having the Race Day be as it is and bring what is needed for our Self-Cultivation we re-act in habituated patterns, driving the klesas (the causers of karma) deeper and even increasing our karmic load instead of purging it. So, i want you to stay tuned to DL over the next week like never before because i don’t speak often about karma, however, this one example is vital for our ongoing growth together, to-gather, to-get-Her.
If you read my final DL before Imogene, where i spoke about the spiritual victories attained even before the actual Start Gun goes off, you can tell i had a sense that such an unraveling might occur.
The Start Line…ilg lined up on the third row, somewhere in there…

…ahh, there i am, taking a moment with HP Yogin Steve who was using this race as a Tune Up for a marathon 2 weeks later. Other HP Yogis on the Start Line including Chris Latham who scorched to a 10th AG in the 30-34, and Yogi Jut – start of Agassiz Running Pilgrimage DVD – who finished nobly in a little over four and a half hours with a hurtin’ knee. ilg TRULY hopes to see YOU on this Start Line next year! Why not? Imogene is NOT so much a running race; it’s mostly power-hiking and spiritual tenaciousness within an astounding setting!
With a wave, i begin my Pilgrimage at Imogene…again…this is probably my 13th time. These days, i tell people, my goal is just to reach the summit within the time it used to take me to run the whole course! The Mantra begins with these first steps and continues for 17 more miles through drop-dead beautiful terrain rich with historical chi…i was really attempting to empty myself enough in order to turn on the extroreceptive capacities and transform some of this historical and natural chi into some sport performance chi…in the end, my whole Race Day was truly a beacon of my grit and determination. And that, is a Great Blessing.
Dewa bringin’ it…
Ananda could barely hold back Dewa as we took off…and as soon as we did? She took off after us, determined to catch up with Daddy. The girl’s got Game, i’ll say that much. Her sprint brought the gathered crowd great delight.
At the Finish Line i outsprinted two Front Range sport-specific runners using my plyometric and road racing tactics and fitness. After 3 hours and 23 minutes – nearly 12 minutes faster than my time last year – there was no way i was gonna get beat at the line. i nearly cracked the top 20 in my AG, and all things considered? I felt great about my wholistic effort. Afterward, i relished hooking up with other Flagstaff friends and auspiciously ran into one of this Tribe’s greatest Angel-Warrior’s; TH. It takes a pantheon of Angels and Deities to keep ilg Serving in the Way of Wholeness Through Fitness and TH is one our Tribe’s most benevolent Angels. In fact, all these DL’s over the past couple of years were taken with a camera tithed to me by TH. Like so many of our WF students, there is a great and inspirational story behind this WF Angel – such as doing what it takes to reduce his 800 mile per month car driving to 100. Try that, Oh Noble Warrior! Indeed, TH has a fantastic story that i will one day share with you around this Tribal Campfire.
Immediately after the Race, aside from a lone heel blister, i recovered remarkably fast…THANKS MAP Amino Acids and SUNRIDER Herbs and PowerBar!!!
about the only ‘sore’ bodyparts on me were my Biceps! this is due to an exaggerated arm swing i use to soar down past dozens of competitors as the Race Course of Imogene drops from over 13,000′ to 9,000′ in only seven miles! i could barely pick up and hold Dewachen for about 3 hours after the race.
photo above; Dewa discovered this FANTASTIC antique from the early 1900’s in someone’s front yard in Telluride; an ancient Push-Sled! CLASSIC!
In fact, i wish to devote this DL and my Race Pilgrimage to all the Ancient Warriors, like this amazing Warrior captured in an 1800 fitness event held in Telluride back in the day. This photo, along with an awesome amount of other old-time pics, hang within the spirits (quite ‘hot’) and walls of the New Sheridan hotel in Telluride.
i’d like to conclude this Race Report with some apres-race shots…coming up next ONLY FOR DL SUBSCRIBERS!
hope you are enjoying this Pilgrimage and that you GET OUT AND DO!
head bowed,
el coache