click to enlarge the photos…
…as promised,
some selected images from my Imogene Pass Race.
i gift these
just to reMind us that toeing the Start Line is one thing,
it’s usually not the most important thing.
it’s the Journey involved that creates
the most sacred m(om)ents our Precious, Beautiful Lives…

Ananda and Dewachen on the T-ride Gondola…Dewa sportin’ Her newly found ‘posed smile.’
Yup, yet another DL ScreenSaver!
NE side of San Miguel Valley in which Telluride sits. See the foreground tree, photo left? That is Savage Basin behind the tree, right where my favorite book of all time, TOMBOY BRIDE, takes place. The Imogene Pass Race cranks right down, into, and through Savage Basin and into the Valley below.
Dewachen blows out her 2nd Birthday Candle at the New Sheridan, Telluride. Special thanks to Devotee TH.
They don’t call them the “Uncomparable” Mountain Range for nothing…i took this looking east of Lizard Head Pass which guards the southwest entrance into T-ride. Actually, the name given to these mountains comes from the mountain Utes, native people of this land. The word, “Uncompaghre” translates to “dirty water” or “red water spring” a likely reference to the many hot springs in the vicinity of Ouray.
Amma and Dewa at Trout Lake. Oh, and YES, there are mighty fine trout in Trout Lake. This is all meltwater from the high peak snows; the clarity of this water is as pristine as the Buddha’s diamond mind. Tremendous nordic skiing here in the winter…just around the corner!
An abandoned trestle over Bear Creek, outside of Telluride.
Any train buffs out there? If so, you will CERTAINLY know the name of this most historic choo-choo of the old West which was also the world’s first hybrid-engine! I’ve got a great gift for the FIRST DL READER to tell me the name of this American Ironhorse! Ananda took this shot of Dewa and i ringing the still-functioning bell of this American Treasure outside of Ridgeway, Colorado. If you live anywhere east of the Mississippi? You owe a whole hec of a lot to the ancient railways and trains.
The Uncompaghre River as it winds past Ouray, Colorado. The beautiful copper color of the water comes from the high (and healing) mineral content of the environment.

Whenever i merge into my beloved Southwest Mountains, one of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings of my training inevitably arises as i relax into the womb of nature’s grace,
“Less desire means less pain.”
Forget another attempt at having my next book attack the same lines of transpersonal fitness training or multi-disciplined yoga…it’s too hard and only a few of you are truly interested. Instead? My next book is going to be, “The 25 Classic Playgrounds Of The Southwest.” This one, located at Mountain Village, Colorado, is one of the nation’s highest at nearly 10,000′. It’s also one of the most kookiest!
Having recovered exceptionally well from Imogene Pass Race, i found myself surprisingly able to squeeze my feet into my bouldering shoes and equally surprised to find a wonderful amount of upper body strength and flexibility…soooo, as any WF Student would surely do, i found a boulder and began to crank…

Dewa, however, did not take kindly to being left on the ground…
…and pioneered Her own way up the boulder. I’m gonna have to iron out some of that technique, however…
Remember my Playground Book idea? Yeah well, so far, this one – located in Dolores, Colorado – is my Podium Topper. Hand-built over the course of 6 Days by kids, volunteers, and inmates working side by side using only wood and recycled materials, constructed “KIDS WORLD” an absolutely fantastic playground which was co-designed by the local kids!
Ilg prays that you enjoy the rest of your weekend,
that you GET OUT AND DO,
and that you
– no matter WHAT –
thank you for choosing to Be Here Now,