and there SURE ain’t nuthin’ like a WF Student…
ilg LOVES ALL my Students soooo much!
i’d stack your degree of conscious fitness against ANY OTHER ‘fitness path’ on this plane(t)…no other Fitness Path permeates the entire physiology AND the lifestyle of their students as does WF and because of that single, noble flip of consciousness, ilg lives with a sacred heart, fueled by my knowledge that a few of us, simply get what genuine fitness is all about…
just check this out from DL ‘celebrity’ WF Student, Susan “Shakti” Detering who has been profiled in this Noble Forum. you’ll want to click on the pic to really derive the chi from these images sent to me recently by my Precious Shakti;
I’ve attached a few pictures that will (hopefully) make you laugh.
I was at my parent’s farm in Pennsylvania preparing dinner with my beau… my job – stir the risotto. If you’ve never made risotto, you have to stir for 45 minutes, non-stop. I was leaning over the stove and thought, what am i doing?
So, I hopped up on the counter and sat in half lotus, switching hands & legs with every addition of broth… and well, then I tried a yogi squat on the counter – a real crowd pleaser! My parents are used to me being me at this point and nothing surprises them anymore. Of course Susan would mingle her practices of culinary endeavor and yoga, of course.
And… the meal was exceptional. All food needs the extra adage of an aware chef, a hearty dose of love, and a well honed sense of the ridiculous.
Om Shanti.
our River Goddess of the Grand Canyon is leaving Kinlani for somewhere back east…Wisconsin, is it? ilg doesn’t know exactly where that is, somewhere east of the Front Range, i think. all ilg knows is that Shakti’s presence each week in the Kinlani Practice Cave will be missed. ilg will attempt to learn the PodCast thing you gave me so you can keep taking HP Yoga Classes with us in spirit and distant-sweat!
may your Practices remain strong, sincere, and well, i KNOW that you will mine every ounce of FUN out of your life and sadhana; that’s just who you are…and who we’ve all come to Love so much. Keep us updated and may the Southwest Winds endlessly dance with your every breath…
your feeble teacher
Student Shakti at work on the American Ganges; The Colorado as she rips through the Grand Canyon. photo by
– Sogyal Rinpoche