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“My work is embrace.
Whatever it is,
just embrace it.”
– steve ilg
it was the Hanuman Wind that did the most damage last night in Kinlani’s most intense blizzard in a decade.
two things ilg knows pretty well by direct experience: wind and snow. ilg has embraced at least those two qualities this time around on this Plane.
it might not be wind and snow for you.
for you?
it might be doing what it takes to untie those tight hips.
it might be to finally learn how to walk with feet bare upon Mother Earth.
it might be doing more (and more intense) cardio training…
or, it might be letting go of cardio for more gym…or yoga…or meditation.
it might not be wind and snow for you.
it might be letting go of status, of money.
it might be doing what it takes to spend more time with your chi(ld).
it might just be embracing your passion for drinking or smoking or gossip
and sitting with it
meditating upon it
again and again
it Shifts.
just bringing non-judgmental awareness is enough.
just bringing non-judgmental awareness is enough.
just bringing non-judgmental awareness is enough.
ilg doesn’t know what it is that you need to embrace…my guess?
all of it.
whatever it is, just embrace it.
be it blizzard or your athletic weak link
your lifestyle dragon.
dat’s right; you read it here first.
your work?
is to just embrace it.
my work?
just embrace it.
something pisses you off today?
just embrace it.
say it to thyself.
just embrace it.
see where it leads
(though ilg will tell you right now: it leads you Higher.)
where does It hurt the most?
where do you suffer the most?
run up to it right now and throw out the welcome mat.
what would you miss most in your life if it was taken away from you?
ilg is teaching you this; welcome the opportunity of suffering. of difficulty.
be it chanting or not masturbating. (or at least masturbating with your Non-Dominant Hand!)
oh, and yes, gossip is mental masturbation; and is of an equal level of Life Force loss than is physical masturbation.
welcome the opportunity of difficulty;
of not training so someone else can.
or meditating or leaving each meal while still hungry.
welcome the opportunity of difficulty;
be it yogi squatting while brushing your teeth with your Non Dominant Hand,
washing dishes to the repetition of the Mantra,
not surfin’ porn.
embrace that which causes you to rationalize justification.
embrace It All…
for a Raven shrills her cry above Cloud Sister
calling to you
singing to you
releasing into you
after the Blizzard shrinks…
fly with her soon
it Ends.
last night, i re-lieved in relieved security, my time as a winter mountaineer. the electricity cut out, and in a flicker of an instant ilg was back again in fifty mile an hour winds screaming loose upon my nylon tent perched precariously upon some smidgen of a snow notch upon some equally screaming mountain peak. so many moments of my life, this life, have been willingly spent in voodoo realms of fear; high, cold fear. endurance fear. fear of the untested and imbalanced. the fear of which angels are thought to thwart. ilg knows that angeless fear…indeed i lived there, and for over a well-known decade; thrived there.
it was the Hanuman Wind that did the most damage last night. not so much to the exterior, thanks to well-seated focused, mantra-soaked effort in the hours before the blizzard sank her teeth into the parched, frozen soils beneath the Sacred Peak…rather, what did the most damage in last nights Blizzard Blessing happened on the inside.
what are you gonna do?
fake your death?
pretend your way through the Bardo?
or are you training in the Way of the Masters
of Life?

ilg is most santoshic while shoveling snow during dawn Brahmamuhurti. rarely is my Mantra Penetration as deeply synced up with my conscious breathing. snow shoveling; one man’s reason to bitch and whine, another man’s nirvana. over 2 feet fell last night during the rippin’ Blizzard. photo by Ananda.
Whatever it is?
Just Embrace it.
Make it your yoga.
– steve ilg