Published on Dec 04, 2002 by in Uncategorized



I noticed after Allan’s great letter which appeared in yesterday’s entry (see below), that it may be time for rehearsing what exactly do i suggest for most people when it comes to the SUNRIDER herbs. Sure enough, in today’s email came a basic question from long-time WF Student, Ellen from New Mexico.

I will use Ellen’s letter to address once again my basic suggestion for optimal energy, fat loss, and cellular purity.

May all beings vibrate with enthusiasm to Rise Above!

Here you go and…

eat an herb!


Most Beautiful and Noble Student Ellen –


I had replyed to your email regardign alpha-c.I am

also looking for a cleanse program if you have

one.Also do you have some sort of weight loss type

drink that is really healthy? It is taking me a while to

get my immune system back so anything I can do would

be helpful.

1st: keep checking every couple of days my Daily Meditations; DIRECT LINES at

there is a ton of valuable counsel appearing there often on all aspects of the herbs, health, fitness, spiritual growth, etc.


the key to anyone’s immunology is hormonal balance. the organs must be strong, supple, and functioning proprerly to release and control the glandular system. too much cleansing and soon enough cell depletion replaces cell regeneration. not good. this is why Dr. Chen stresses the basic components of a SUNRIDER herb intake…it is very, very simple. please listen:

to empower and strengthen the five organ systems of the body; circulatory, endocrine, respiratory, digestion, immunology take the QUINARY formula…

to ‘beef up’ any weak component mentioned above, you can order and eat the specific herbal formula for that organ system:

�circulatory = Lifestream

�endocrine = Prime Again

�respiration/immunity = Conco

�digestion = Assimilaid

�immunology/T-cells = Alpha 20C

FOR OVERALL NUTRIENT SATURATION (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc) drink VITASHAKE

TO ACHIEVE and MAINTAIN optimal BODYMASS and cellular clarity:

during the day: DRINK FORTUNE DELIGHT + SUNNY DEW (2 squirts)

and/or CALLI BEVERAGE + SUNNY DEW (2 squirts)

at night: drink a nice hot cup of CALLI NIGHT + SUNNY DEW (2 squirts) to aid sleep and pull toxins/debris from the cells.

Now, if you just keep consistent with this program you will notice the following over a period of weeks:

1) bodyfat drops

2) energy level increases

3) wierd/unhealthy food/substance cravings fade away

4) mental focus is better

5) emotional peace arises

i shall close with the ‘recipe’ for the “ILG SUPREME” which is to be made and consumed 1-2 times daily.

in between intakes of the ILG SUPREME, drink Fortune Delight and/or Calli.

it is that simple.

you don’t need to ‘add’ anything but replace sodas, coffee, engineered vitamin pills and powder with these whole food herbs.

if you need any more SPECIFIC guidance, please let me know…for you, Ellen, coming off your illness struggles, i suggest adding extra ALPHA 20C to the following ILG SUPREME. that will send your immune system skyrocketing, i promise!

here is the now world famous “Ilg Supreme” using the SUNRIDER products available 24-hours per day from

SUNRIDER Whole Food Herbs and Personal Care

The Official Nutrition of Wholistic Fitness

�����PRODUCT USE�����

once again, due to POPULAR DEMAND, here is my main SUNRIDER formula for Wholistic Fitness and High Performance Yogic Warriors the world over.

drink one or two ILG SUPREME�s per day. this drink empowers, balances, and strengthens your body/mind.

In between, drink FORTUNE DELIGHT (#101029-that is Lemon flavor, but there are four other flavors to enjoy)

with a squirt of SUNNY DEW (#103011). this drink metabolizes impacted bodyfat and detox�s the cells via enhanced cellular respiration giving you a stable run of energy all day.


Into your Sunrider Shaker Bottle (code#53011) mix:

� pour 16 oz of filtered water into your SR Shaker Bottle. this suspends the herbs from the bottom of the bottle…

� add another 4-8 ounces of soy milk (i prefer SILK, Vanilla flavor). this adds a great texture/flavor plus more protein…

� 1 package of Strawberry Vitashake (#155020) to supply main nutritional core: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbs, proteolytic enzymes, in whole food form.

� 1 moderate squirt of Vitafruit (#102011) for a major dosage of concentrated fruit, antioxidants, vitamins, etc.

� 1 moderate squirt of Sunny Dew (#103011) to stabilize blood sugar and to sweeten

� 1 five-gram package Quinary (#190509) to support, balance, and empower all five organ (or element) systems of the body; endocrine, digestive, t-cell immunity, respiratory, and circulation.

� shake it up.

� chug it or sip from it…and bingo; another day of feeling KING OF THE WORLD BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!

i drink at least one, but sometimes two ILG SUPREME�s per day…especially if training hard, working hard, or travel stressed


Your SR Shaker Bottle should constantly be at your side throughout the day. If it doesn�t have an Ilg Supreme in it, then it should have this:

�filtered water

� 1 five-gram package of Fortune Delight (see above)

� 1 moderate squirt of Sunny Dew ( see above)


� have a cup of Calli Beverage (#500300) with Fortune Delight

(Calli is a BEAUTIFUL beverage that is prepared and drunk like hot tea…it functions similarly to Fortune Delight, but is designed to pull heavier toxins from the cells.) This is a far better option than coffee in the morning!


� have a cup of Calli Night (#100149) while reading a good book to achieve cell cleansing and bodyfat loss during the night, while enjoying a peaceful rest…really calms your nervous system and induces rest.


when i first started Sunriding, my body craved the Ilg Supreme constantly for several months before my body started to cleanse and balance. i would drink the recipe 3 x daily. couldn�t get enough of it. it was like my body KNEW and it would not let ANYTHING stand in its Way toward achieving cellular purity which results in a Higher Vibrating state of being and awareness. it just felt WAY too good! that was twenty years ago…and this morning�s ILG SUPREME felt JUST as powerful!


Drinking your herbs throughout the day is a great way to help other people get healthier. Sure enough people will ask you,

�What the hell is that stuff you are drinking?�


�Herbs? What do they do?�

�They give me energy and health while burning bodyfat.�

They�ll want to get on the herbs, believe me. Who wouldn�t?

If you are a SR Distributor, they can easily join online under you and pretty soon, your monthly check completely pays for your personal use of the herbs! It takes about 4-6 people under you who consistently take the ILG SUPREME and FORTUNE DELIGHT to pay for your personal use of the herbs. That is NOT a lot of effort to eat the best herbs in the world for �free�!


let me know!

you can join for free or as a Distributor.

May Your Practice Be Strong & Sincere,

coach ilg


DIRECT LINES: Daily Meditations from Coach Ilg

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