Published on Mar 06, 2003 by in Uncategorized



�Sometimes, in order to reach untroubled waters, we must brave turbulence. As long as humanity is governed by ignorance, greed, hatred, and indifference, we must expect such turbulence. Only a fully operational higher mind can guarantee safe passage in those moments.�

– georg feurstein

there is no need to email me anything else on the �war�

we need only look within our own lives to examine the roots of injury

outer wars are manifestations of injury to our higher mind

which increases our spiritual ignorance (avidya).

personal injury can often lead us to fresh new Doors of Awakening

but we must be brave enough to Listen

and loving enough to embrace the Teachings of the injury.

I created Wholistic Fitness to serve as a personal training system

that serves the whole being…

not fragments of who we are, but the totality of where we are.

thus, WF embraces injury and illness (and yes, wars) as Teachers.

circumstances arise during life.

some are challenging

others are easy

one cannot escape this Dance of complementary opposites

though many try

there will always be conflict because there will always be harmony

there will always be hot because there will always be cold




my throat was sore yesterday.

(note; i did not say, �I HAD a sore throat, yesterday�…the difference between the two self-talk statements is the difference between sickness and health)

i skied hatless in cold wind the day before

and did a long stretch of teaching/healing work afterward

my energy grew tired and depleted

i felt soreness arise within my throat

so, i tripled dose my ILG SUPREME herbs from SUNRIDER


went into my special room at home

to do asana, pranayama, and meditation.

after 60 minutes of asana and 20 minutes of pranayama practice,

i used the sore throat as my meditation object

i then �swallowed the soreness�

into my well heated and opened

sushumna (main energy channel within the spine)

and brought it into muladhara (root chakra)


i watched the throat soreness

disappear without drama

it simply melted into the apana vayu ( life force which abides in the lower spine)

just because i chose yoga to treat my sore throat


doesn�t mean that one is better than the other.

but one USES the sore throat as a Vehicle Higher,

while the other

is an external crutch which does not support internal healing or spiritual growth.

Self Healing takes personal effort

it requires



to the Wisdom

that comes through your higher mind.


when we are too quick to reach out for external medicines

we give away and diminish the potency of our internal medicine; pran! chi! life force!

so question everything that happens to you…

WF Warriors are trained not to jump into outward accepted terms and beliefs

for instance,

how many people are quick to get treatment for �herniated disks�

who TOLD you that you �had� a �herniated disk?�

why didn�t that person tell you that you have a

�compacted spine�

that simply needs to be lengthened and relaxed

so the impinged nerves

can be freed?

becoming a Noble Fitness Warrior

means seeing �injury�

as just that:

an �in-Jury�

an inner manifestation of energy

asking you to WITNESS


to your life energy

when i fractured my back

i had enough mental training by my Teachers

so i did not identify myself with the injury…

Sabbe Dhamma Nallam Abhinivesha

�Nothing Whatsoever Should Be Clung To As �I� or �Mine�

thus, beyond the drama of the pain

and the self-pity of being unable to move

i accepted the in-Jury

and witnessed my new life Vehicle of Chronic Pain

as a Pathway Higher…

injury is not a problem


ever is

unless we mistake where our genuine Nature (atman)

truly is.

May Your Practice be full of fun and focus today…

i�m sitting here in my cycling clothes waiting for my bro, Steve Marlowe

to come by…

i think we�ll ride Old Topanga Canyon today..

and enjoy the sun, wind, and the growth of green upon the trees

and warmth in the sky…

i�m Thankful for the Masters and my Teachers

for teaching me how to �swallow� sore throats

so i can more fully in-joy

today on my bike and do other fun

and Blessed things

with my heart rate high

and my breath low…

maybe tomorrow i�ll get sick…

who knows?

but at least i have today



is all we ever need

to be


i bow to you,

coach ilg

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