Published on Mar 20, 2003 by in Uncategorized


Namaste Peaceful Warriors!

well, as promised, here is my �Emergency WF Technique for Dying; for those who are unsure of how to die� as a conclusion to my past three entries.

i need to preface however, that WF was born from my work as a Karma Yogi and an extreme athlete that needed to maintain a calm, controllable mind when climbing very difficult rock routes, ice routes, and high mountain peaks. doing such things without a rope or a team was my chief hallmark. so, i needed to learn a way to be comfortable with the notion of dying in a rather spectacular way in order to be comfortable and relaxed enough in my mind to make a 5.11+ or WI4 move 500 feet off the ground without a rope. Tibetan Death Meditations were a staple Practice of mine for several years. many of the meditation practices assigned to formal online WF students came from my need to �die each day in Meditation so that physical death is but a gateway toward spiritual life,� as Ram Dass puts it.

May all beings be safe, free, and enjoy the privilege of a human incarnation…

let�s say a nuclear bomb is heading for us.

gather your loved ones if possible.

get to Nature or the place where you meditate, if possible.

if you meditate or pray regularly, just do your usual Practice. don�t attempt anything fancy or different unless you�ve been formally instructed otherwise.

remaining calm as possible is important.

upon the explosion or the death moment, invoke a white Light radiating OUT from Anahata…your heart chakra (center).

exhale into the explosion or the death moment…feel Love…

the above technique, one i used during extreme sport and other �death� moments and Practice as a WF Dharma meditation, will unite you and i and our Tribe of WF Warriors, and your Loved Ones two-gether again in the next Level.

here is again:

1) gather Loved Ones if possible

2) White Light radiating from your Heart

3) Exhale into your Last Gasp…feel Love…

(note: Extra Credit Karma Points might possibly be Awarded if you can Smile INTO that Last Exhale!…why not be Brave in the attempt? What do you have to lose?!)

Godspeed, everyone.

May you be Brave in your Practice today…

what a wonderful, wonderful privilege it is to be a human being…


coach ilg

founder/Wholistic Fitness & High Performance Yoga

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