Published on May 06, 2003 by in Uncategorized


Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors!

“Doubt is the mother of all Hindrances…it stops us before we start.”

– Buddhist


every now and then i do my best to watch morning TV.


the other day, some “News” program was interviewing two Playboy models – that’s right, Playboy models – who were also on Playboy’s Team Extreme or some such thing. the two models said that they competed in extreme sports. when asked which extreme sports they did i learned the following which is news to me;

Mountain Bike Racing, Off Road Triathlons, Skateboarding, Rock Climbing, Snowboarding, and Wind Surfing are all now considered “extreme.”

how funny.

when i wrote THE OUTDOOR ATHLETE in 1985 and provided training prescriptions for all those sports plus many others, i did not refer to those sports as, “extreme.”

to me, they are all just simply very beautiful and common outdoor sports.

when did they suddenly morph into “extreme” sports?

if anything, with improved technology such as fully suspended mountain bikes and parabolic skis, the sports have become LESS “extreme” if anything!

to me, having once specialized in true extreme sports: free soloing (without a rope) in rock climbing, free solo ice climbing, back country colouir descents, and solo high altitude winter mountaineering, the only thing i find “extreme” about today’s “extreme” sports are the egos involved in them.

it’s as if today’s outdoor athletes can’t even go out on a board or bike without having the “session” be videotaped and put on TV for christ’s sake.

why all the fuss?

can’t we all just enjoy the outdoor sports at our own personal and dare i say, spiritual, levels?

but here was the kicker about the interview; the Playboy models then began telling us all about the Playboy Protein Power Powder or some such nonsense that the admittingly fetching models used in their training!

boy, have times changed.

it’s all good though…

i think.

Enjoy the update…

and thanks for reading DIRECT LINES!

i bow to you,

coach ilg


dear coach –

i am doing my best to become a Master WF Student some day. you have inspired me since i first read about you in THE NEW YORK TIMES and OUTSIDE MAGAZINE.

i know that right now, for me, this means i need to step up to the plate like you and the other Master Students of WF and do more of my errands on a bike or inline skate or just walking.

i hate driving cars.

it makes me feel weird and powerless and not brave enough to be a fitness commuter.

i hate polluting more than i have to.

my car gets 18 mpg…that sucks. it bugs me.

this is very hard.

your teachings are forcing me to face deep fears about my occupation and lifestyle choices.

thank you for gifting me these deep and true lessons about TRUE personal body/mind fitness. i want to do better. i pick up litter all the time.


i think i can do better and want to start in line skating some of my errands and fitness workouts.

i know you were once sponsored by ROLLERBLADE…do you still use them? if so, which model(s) would you suggest for me?

“i bow to you” coach ILG!!!!!!!

– rick

Dear Noble Warrior Rick

great letter.

even better question.

it shows me that YOU are really taking into your EFFORT a sincere ENDEAVOR to stretch out of your comfort zones and start really living Lightly upon our dear Mother Earth…

though no longer sponsored by ROLLERBLADE, i still find the


a REALLY fine, price effective skate for both commuter and cardio fitness training. for commuting, the pull up hook for the inner boot and the

quick release button on the front cuff makes for easy, fast in and outs. on the fitness side of things, the boot is light, supportive, and fast! i do a lot of inline skiing which includes high speed downhills, and this skate tracks like a Porsche on steep asphalt descents. on the flats, the “big toe” push off feel is almost magical!

check it out at:

or ask a local personal trainer for their input.

i bow to you,

coach ilg


Yo Coach Ilg Guru Sri Yoga Vishnu Athletica

always great to get mail from you. Best wishes with your new book. I have a

new website at It lists new routes in the Boulder area

and has a photo gallery. this is all rather undeveloped at this point and

much is missing, but check it out (the gallery especially).

– rr

i got that email the other day.

“rr” is Richard Rossiter, my old climbing bro from Boulder and the one who -in 1982 – introduced me to the SUNRIDER herbs which changed my life. Richard is also the artist who did those stunning B&W line illustrations for my OUTDOOR ATHLETE BOOK.

if you visit his website, you’ll get a fine hit from the old CHI from which i crafted much of WF and HP Yoga.

my personal favorite on Richard’s slide show program at the above website is the one of Richard (whom i called, Ri Cha Do…”the way of tea”) wearing the special SUNRIDER HERB lycra rock climbing pants that he and i designed!

check out ilg’s old bros at:



I have battling a cough and cold since Saturday. I got a laugh out of “my workout is everywhere” lessons you gave me today, when in the middle of a coughing attack I became very aware of my abs and made it an ab workout!

I also worked with my posture when coughing but it has stopped me in my tracks.


New Student Mackel


(NOTE: The following has been reprinted by request:}

Namaste Noble Sunriders!

SARS is a natural manifestation of unconscious overpopulation and underappreciation of Mother Earth.

the immunity of the world’s people degenerates due to pollution, poor nutritional quality due to mass distribution based on global economic drivers, and poor nutritional awareness due to corporate manipulation based upon monetary gain instead of wholeness.

SARS may well be an acronym as far as i am concerned:





i hate to tell you “i told you so,”


IMMUNITY is everything…

drinking one simple but powerful ‘ILG SUPREME’ using the SUNRIDER herbs

per day

makes one virtually bulletproof to the dis-eases of the common eating man!

stay strong and powerful, eat SUNRIDER herbs for the best immune system response!

the best cure?

prevention, baby!

order your SUNRIDER herbs today

and eat POWERFULLY tomorrow!

May Your Practice Be Strong & Sincere,

coach ilg


DIRECT LINES: Daily Meditations from Coach Ilg


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