Published on Oct 07, 2003 by in Uncategorized


namaste noble warriors!

�This is what you should do:

Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches,

give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others,

hate tyrants,

argue not concerning God,

have patience and

indulgence toward the people… reexamine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, dismiss what insults

your very soul, and your flesh shall become a great poem.�

– Walt Whitman

have an exact picture of what you wish to express in your precious life. otherwise, your flower will not burst. it will remain a seed, withering within you as the years tick by. when around old, bitter people you can nearly sense their regret that they did not nourish their flower. instead of blooming, they allowed the weeds of the hurried world to ruin their inner garden.

perhaps the single greatest thing i worked on during my years as a world level athlete was not biomechanics, but transferring my pranayama (breathing) Practice into the sports i was doing. Pranayama, as far as i can feel, is nothing but the Breath of God moving through us.

perhaps the single greatest thing i continue to work on is to get myself out of the Way of the Divine that courses through me.

tension in the body is just fear, manifesting.

a hurried nature is just weakness, manifesting.

when we are tight, we are full of fear.

when we rush, we are full of weakness.

those who refuse to work on their flexibility, are afraid of blossoming. be kind to them. they are scared �stiff� of encountering what they have held onto within themselves. water them with metta (lovingkindness). make this your yoga (Fitness Practice).

those who are in a hurry, are weak. slow them down. pause between your sentences. take a moment, breathe audibly. let them see that you are taking time. you are strong because you have time, you are yogi. but most people have lost their sense of timing, their sense of inner rhythm. so make it your yoga today to slow people down. smile and breathe as you engage with others.

our society speeds people up. yogis must counter the acceleration with deceleration of breath and mental activity. ripples make waves.

when we are tight, we are fearful.

when we rush, we are weak.

use breath and posture (WF Lifestyle Principle #1) to erase fear and weakness from your beautiful blossoming.

that is all.

have go(o)d day. thank you for reading DIRECT LINES.

i honor your Upward Movement,

coach ilg

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