Published on Oct 31, 2003 by in Uncategorized


Namaste Noble Warriors!

�A true warrior is always the last to pick up the lance or go to battle. His battles are fought with the lance of love and understanding. His enemies are prejudice, greed, and bad medicine and the biggest battles are always fought within himself. So, do not go upon the earth to battle unseen demons of the physical world, for your hatred will be like theirs. Instead, go out as a true warrior, with love and understanding.�

from the Vision, by Tom Brown Jr.

– submitted by WF Online Student Mackel

Jim Copeland is a true WF Tribal Brother. i love him. Prana oozes from him like serenity from a Tibetan monk. a surfer he. but his waves are changing. waves of thought being questioned more than sets of swells. waves of daily choices. waves of breath.

the mutual rhythm of those three waves – thought, daily choices, breath – fall into a natural synchronicity of spiritual elevation.

but one must learn to listen.

where the listening occurs does not matter; straddling a zafu cushion in the cold of an early morning bedroom or straddling a surfboard upon an undulating ocean as marine mist massages cold mountain canyons. the Awakening Warrior must – at some point – choose to listen to the inner translations which unite the interior world with the outer one.

Jim Copeland (�Jim Bad� as he is known in our sangha) is amplifying his inner listening. what is more important, he is putting into Practice that which he is hearing from his Intuitive Listening.

Jim Bad has crossed the line. there is no turning back now. he knows now he is a yogi. all the events of his self-admitted �partying life� have only ripened his true self for this most recent Shift. you see, eight weeks ago, Jim Bad called me from Santa Cruz. the surfing was good, but something Higher was itching at him.

�Ilg, i�m coming back to LA. i got to. i need to train with you.�

after 20 years of spiritual work, i can sense a Divine Itch when i hear It. so i replied,

�Cool bro, come here. Live with me until you find a place. Come, hang, train, do yoga, eat herbs.�

�I�m there,� he answered. �I�m ready. whatever you tell me, i�ll do.� the tone in his voice told me that he, like any genuinely ready Student, had emptied his cup. he was, in spiritual work lexicon, ripe for transformation.

so it was, six weeks ago, Jim Bad moved in with me. immediately i rekindled the Path of WF within him; we trained for hours on our road bikes, he joined SUNRIDER HERBS without flinching and instantly ordered and ate the SUNRIDER HERBS i told him to get which is, as many of you now know as �Phase One� – Fortune Delight throughout the day, one Slim Cap at night, 4 Action Caps 3x daily. He ate 1 Beauty Pearl per day. besides doing the above herbal progam, he attended at least 2 of my High Performance Yoga classes per week.

in those 6 weeks Jim Bad went from 220 lbs to 193 lbs.

he lost not one ounce of muscle tissue. he never has felt better he told me.

his abs, chest, shoulders, and arms are friggin� ripped! his face is taking on that chiseled �Lance Armstrong� look. his clothes no longer fit him. he thinks i should be liable for a new wardrobe for him. not a chance, bucko, i reply. at work, two girls approached him and commented on his body. the two hotties invited him to a naked hot tub party after work. it�s an LA thang. Jim bad refused, saying, �Sorry i gotta train with my coach tomorrow.�

wise call. because on that day i took him up Tuna Canyon on our road bikes. some cyclists live in LA for years without ever even trying Tuna Canyon. the climb itself, which requires a 20 mile ride to begin, slaughters fat off your body with an ego withering 7.5 miles of wickedly steep (18% grade) climbing that shoots you from ocean to panoramic ridge top with kneecap popping intensity. i try to climb it at least once per week. Tuna Canyon keeps me pure. Her steepness humbles me. Her sharpness soothes me. Woodpeckers clatter about sycamore trees. Red tailed hawks glide as you suffer upward. for those of you who have done Leg Presses in the gym, Tuna Canyon will require hundreds of them before her slopes have been conquered.

Jim Bad arrived at the summit of Tuna Canyon smiling. he is a well trained Warrior along my Path of WF. you can tell by how he answered my question of �So, what do you think about Tuna Canyon?�

�It�s all about the breath. As long as i stayed with the Breath, no problem.�

So, what about you?

What is your weekly Tuna Canyon?

How are you equipping yourself for Enlightenment in this lifetime? Are you doing the gut deep inner Work or just going through the motions of life? Are you on the herbs? Are you doing HP Yoga? WF online training?

Question: if you are not training for Enlightenment in this lifetime….what – exactly- ARE you doing?

It�s time to stop dinking around isn�t it?

Get on the WF Path.

Drop more than bodyfat or mental stress.

Drop the part of you that suffocates your precious chance for enlightenment.

Rise Above, Noble Warrior. Do the work. Tread the upward Path.

I, and my staff are Here Now to help you find a Higher Workout…the workout that has been itching at you endlessly…have you been listening?

i bow to you,

coach ilg


Coaches Ilg and Joseph,

Thank you again for the communications about growth, compassion and gratitude. They have reverberated with me ever since.

– Student Karl


Dear Steve,

Got your book Winter athlete from a friend… like what I’m reading. I’m a fitness instructor and have just begun… love it.

– Tina

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