Published on Dec 22, 2003 by in Uncategorized


Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors!

“Listen to the voices of the wind

and the ceaseless message that

forms itself out of silence.”

– Ranier Maria Rilke

I am entering another tough time for my Practice. As people start contacting me regarding my new book, these ‘fans’ tend to elevate me instead of the Work that comes through me. These people, most of them new to my notion of Wholistic Fitness, think that i am smart or something just because i’ve written books and stuff. make no mistake, it’s not me…it is the Voice of the Divine that writes Itself through me. my sacred duty is to keep my body and mind as fit and clear as possible so as to do one marvelous thing that most people will not learn or pursue:

Listen To Their Life.

just drop in today…whatever you are doing Right Now

Listen To It

there are sparks and shards of the Divine Joy dancing within and about you

Right Here

Right Now

look no further than the wind sheering across the trees

the songbird landing upon the snow

the texture of your fingertips brushing the keypad




In Any Action You Do

Learn to Listen

To the Language

of your Life



to the refined Divine

within your workout today…

i don’t write books, Noble Ones,

they write themselves through me.

all i have to do is my Practices

and a song sings itself through me.

just like you,


right now



i will close with this from one of our SUNRIDERS. staying clear on the inside through herbal nutrition is perhaps tantamount to being able to tap into our inner Languages…

he and she who is wise, will stock up on Calli and Fortune Delight before travelling to family or friends for the holidays.

that is all.

i bow to your devoted Desire To Rise Higher,

coach ilg, RYT/USCF




I know that many of you have already chosen to switch soda drinks, like Pepsi, Sprite, or Coke, but how about your friends & family? This article below should be enough to open the eyes of all “non-SR-believers”.

I learned many years ago that one can of pop contains 16 teaspoons of sugar. It also strips the liver of stored nutrition, especially calcium.

Did you know…

* Carbonated drinks are highly acidic and have the potential to damage a tooth’s enamel. And Brushing right after you drink can exacerbate this. Instead, wait 30 to 60 minutes to brush, according to new research from dentists at Goettingen University in Germany.

* Waiting to brush after drinking a soda actually is three to five times more effective at protecting enamel from the erosive effects of carbonated drinks, reports Reuters.

Soda is so acidic that it can actually dissolve the upper layers of the tooth. Thomas Attin, director of the university’s department for tooth protection, explained that waiting to brush allows the tooth enamel to mount its own defense against acidic erosion, typically through protective agents in the saliva that help repair and rebuild damaged tooth enamel.

Brushing too soon not only destroys this opportunity, but also brushes off the affected layers of the teeth.

* The research was presented at the annual meeting of the German Association for Tooth Protection. (Although these researchers used Pepsi products, the differences between them and other popular brands of soda–for the purposes of this test on dental health–are not significant.)

*For those who love Coke & Pepsi… Tips on good usage

To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl. Let the “real thing” sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.

To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

To clean corrosion from car battery terminals; Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

To loosen a rusted bolt; Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

To remove grease from clothes; Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.

Coke & Pepsi For your info: The average pH of soft drinks, e.g. Coke or Pepsi is pH 3.4. This acidity is strong enough to dissolve teeth and bones!

Our human body stops building bones at around the age of 30. After that it’ll be dissolving about 8-18% of the bones each year through the urine depending on the acidity of the food intake (acidity does not depend on the taste of the food, but on the ratio of potassium / calcium /magnesium / etc. to phosphorus).

All the dissolved calcium compounds accumulate in the

arteries, veins, skin tissue, organs. This affects the functioning of the kidneys.

Soft drinks do not have any nutritional value (in terms of vitamins and minerals). They have higher sugar content, higher acidity, and more additives such as preservatives and colorings.

Some people like to take cold soft drinks after each meal, guess what’s the impact? Our body has an optimum temperature of 37 degrees for the functioning of digestive enzymes. The temperature of cold soft drinks is much less than 37, sometimes quite close to 0.

This will lower the effectiveness of the enzymes and put stress on the digestive system, digesting less food. In fact the food gets fermented. The fermented food produces bad smelling gases, decays and forms toxins which are absorbed in the intestines, get circulated in the blood and is delivered to the whole body. This spread of toxins can lead to the development of various diseases.

Put a tooth in a bottle of Pepsi and in 10 days it will be completely dissolved! Teeth and bones are the only human organ that stay intact for years after death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to your soft intestines and stomach lining?

Anyone for a nice, refreshing glass of Peach Fortune Delight?

Choices are great, but to choose people need to know they have a choice…feel free to share this article.

Thanks to Jalaine for sharing


Trish Childers

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