Published on Dec 22, 2003 by in Uncategorized


Namaste Coach Steve,

Thank you for the “back- breaking” experience last

evening. You” bent over backwards” to make my session

a wonderful experience. Everything you do is impeccable.

As i continue to slow down, i too will perform impeccably.

I awoke during the night breathing Ujjayi.

When the alarm went off, I awoke breathing Ujjayi.

What was that all about?

This a.m. I performed a round or two of

alternate nasal breathing. Today is my relaxation day,

but i love meditation, pranayama and anything which

sets the tone for the day.

I keep forgetting to purchase a Neti pot.

Using the Neti pot will be a big step for me.

Again, I can’t believe how far I have come in 5 years.

If I can do it, anyone can and I will be just the person

who can convince by my appearance, change in personality

and calmness of mind and spirit.

In closing I would like to acknowledge the fact that you

have helped me so much in mind, body and spirit.

I hope to do the same down the road.

Something will happen, I feel it in my bones.

thank you again.

You are certainly special

Love to you,




Noble Student Lenore –

your awareness of Ujjayi breathing during the subconscious and dreamless states is Big Stuff!

that means you are being Guided during the subconscious states to use the Pran (carried by your Ujjayi breathing) to whittle away at your karmic workload.

essentially, because of your above average devotion to daily meditation and yogic breathing and the SUNRIDER herbs, your ionic conductancy (Western perspective) is changing for the positive. Eastern speaking, the “yogic gods” (the Tibetans would allow me to tell you to study Manjushree…for He has befriended you for your astral fitness) are rewarding you..They are helping you demolish old aspect of your negative tendencies and downward patterns to lift your cells and spirit clearer and higher. you are experiencing the untying of a spiritual ‘knot’…known in yoga a ‘granthi’…

that is why it is sooooo important to eat well; get the cells clean and clear so that all the yoga and meditation and breathing work can take root within a pure cellular body.

absolutely superb High Peformance Yoga and WF and SR herbs at work!

all because of your simple but truly inspirational consistency in your Practice and listening to your feeble teacher and yourself…

i am honored to play a small part in your ongoing Awakening and to help your trajectory toward Enlightenment in this lifetime…you will teach and inspire many others…i want you in my Teacher Training this spring…

love and inner Light,

coach ilg, RYT


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