Published on May 05, 2004 by in Uncategorized


Namaste Noble Warriors!



Let’s give Mainstream America some friggin’ WF Warrior CHI baby:

JOIN COACH ILG with McKenzie Westmore, star of the daytime drama; PASSIONS

tonight, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th

from 6:00 pm – 7:00pm PT, at her CHAT ROOM


2) i bow to the San Jose Sharks.

their speed and consistent high quality effort kicked Avalanche ass, big time.

may they hold the Cup

since they obviously emptied their own

to be able to skate so fast and free and artfully.

3) An important Dharma Note from WF Certified Teacher Roche, a love note from Student Abby, and great actual teaching counsel from WF Certified Teacher Sheader to struggling Student C are all below.

4) Coming up soon in DL: photos and a report from our June Lake HP Yoga Retreat!

i bow to you and see you tonight at

i’m off to ride Fernwood Canyon baby…

still livin’ and lovin’ WF after all these years…

your feeble coach ilg


Dear Wholistic Fitness Students of Chris �Kodanda� Roche,

Each of you began your study of WF under me at a very auspicious and �interesting� time. In my years of WF experience, never has there been such a spotlight directed at us, nor has there been such a time of Transformation. This year has brought us Coach Ilg�s latest offerings TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION and the opening of High Performance Yoga in Tarzana, and I, in accordance with my Inner Duty, have completed my WF Teacher Training and brought to you Twisted Sage in Indiana.

Recently, I�ve experienced some of the greatest challenges I�ve ever faced on all levels: physical, relationship, financial, emotional, spiritual, a computer crash and now a computer �worm�, and a Twisted Sage Yoga teacher resigning with no advanced notice. It�s the kind of stuff that lets you know where you stand in your Practice, the stuff that makes you want to hit the �off� switch and run the other way.

Coach Ilg (and my WF Practice) has calmly guided me through these moments exactly the Way he guided me up Tuna Canyon just a few months back. Most times seemingly nowhere (now here) around, occasionally just within eye or ear shot, and now and then right in front of me shouting encouragement. A true Master, he is. Here are two recent comments from Coach Ilg to me, �the Yogi Warrior must simply accept the challenges of Inner Duty�, and �you must be willing to sacrifice it all to serve your Inner Duty.� This may sound noble or perhaps dramatic, either Way it�s the Truth like only Ilg can tell it. I�ve chosen to follow his counsel.

The past two weeks I have not attended to each of you in the manner you may expect from a Wholistic Fitness Teacher. What can I say? I am human and I am doing my feeble best. I can assure you that having lived through these recent experiences, I am more deeply committed to my Inner Duty than before and will serve each of you in the manner you deserve and in a manner that reflects Appropriate Action.

I welcome your feedback. Know that I am Here Now to serve you.


Teacher roche



As always, I in-joyed and am further empowered in mind, body and spirit, by the dharma talk and slow flow practice with you. Thank you for your light, wisdom, and gentle touch, and for giving me a h(om)e and tribe to grow with in my California travel.

Love and blessings,



Studnet C,

Your intention is beautiful.

Jettison the flotsam of attachment to the past, of habit energies, of rat race concerns and “problems.”

How you enjoy your sandwich at lunch, noticing the beauty of child walking to school, conscious of your breath during a back squat, mindfully making your tea…THESE things are of far more importance in the scheme of the universe, of your liberation. �All else, though important from a particular perspective, are trivial in comparison.

…When the Chinese invaded Tibet they particularly showed great cruelty to the Buddhist monks. One story tells of a particular village where all had fled as the Chinese approached except one monk. This enraged the Chinese commander for he took pride in the fear he spread. He marched to the monastery and kicked in the gate. There in the courtyard sat the monk. The commander glowered at him. ” Do you know who I am? I am he who can run you through with a sword without battling an eyelash.” �The monk replied: �” And do you know who I am? I am he who can let your run me through with a sword without batting an eyelash.”

Student C, life is go(o)d. Really go(o)d. Even if the ‘enemy’ is at your gate. �Make the most of it.

It is not what beliefs you adopt

It is not what you do even,

It is how to be.

in peace,

Teacher Haku (Jomanji)

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