SIDDHASANA; The Adepts Pose

Published on Sep 26, 2006 by in Uncategorized


i dedicate this DL entry to my MahaNidraRishi. i bow at your Lotus Feet.

“Especially since fracturing my spine, i have come to see the skeleton as the sherpa for the spine and not the spine as the caretaker of the skeleton. It has become my maxim therefore, to focus upon cultivation of the Ancient Forces within the spine, and let the skeleton and her associated muscles and actions, shift for itself.”
– coach ilg
3 First Places in3 Different Sports so far in 2006

Above: Coach in a rare photo just exiting the Traditional Siddhasana (Adepts Pose). Perhaps you can pick up the expression of Laghava or ‘bodily lightness’ from Coach’s body in this photo. Much of this Laghava, according to Coach, comes from his Practice of Early Morning Ritual unique to WF Online Studies and Laghu-Ahara or “scant diet” even in the face of high outdoor training volumes. Coach explains, “Yes, i am particular about getting my Students on the SUNRIDER Herbs because these herbs, when taken according to my 3-Phase Approach, act as precursors to the immense currents of Life Force (vayu) within the body. Even the Willingness to meditate on the Inner Forces is often lacking if one is not tapped into the fun energy provided by the ‘Secret Herbs’.”


“Press the perineum with the heel of one foot, place the other foot on top of the genitals. Having done this, rest the chin on the chest (thus engaging Jalandhara Bandha). Remaining still and steady, with the senses controlled, gaze steadily into the eyebrow center; it breaks open the door to liberation. This is called, Siddhasana.”
– Hatha Yoga Pradipika I, 35

“Of all the eighty-four asanas (yogic postures), siddhasana should always be practiced. It purifies the 72,000 nadis (subtle channels which carry the Prana or Life Force).”
– Hatha Yoga Pradipika I, 39

“The yogi who meditates on the self or atma, takes moderate and pure food and practices siddhasana for twelve years (under the direction of the Teacher), attains perfection or siddhi.”
– – Hatha Yoga Pradipika I, 40


It can take me hours to get into an elegant and energetically productive Traditional Siddhasana posture. Much frustration and pain comes with my Journey toward this most benevolent of all asanas. Once this amazing posture is somewhat dialed in however, then Meditation and Energywork comes as fast as whitewater rapids to the steadfast yogin who applies this posture and Ancient Insights gifted from the Divine cascade into the yogi as well.

How can something so ‘simple’ as getting into a meditation posture be so powerful a catalyst to the Inner Voyage? Well, a lot of it has to do with physiology. Just opening the hips enough so that the left heel pressures the neural complexity of Muladhara Chakra is tantamount. This chakra which is the gateway to overcoming the first big psychospiritual ‘knot’ known as BrahmaGranthi, which is the major intersection of the three big kahuna’s of the Prana; Ida Nadi, Pingala Nadi, and Sushumna Nadi. I have taught you much about these Nadi’s in prior DL’s.

It becomes very exciting and in the least, stimulating, when you literally ‘sit atop’ and pressure these three rocketships of Enlightenment. While sitting in Siddhasana, the yogi is privy to witness and attempt to train an orgasmic array of electrical, pranic, and chakral energies all of which flow toward the brain. I mean, just softening the feet enough to sit in this posture for long periods force the meridians in the feet to nourish and break through blockages in the visceral organs which affect the metabolic life forever. Whenever i hear people say that if they had a million dollars they would “travel the world,” i would like to be able to be a skillful enough Teacher to welcome them to the most fascinating, beautiful, unexplainably miraculous world travel there is; their own Inner World. And, exploration of this Inner World? Doesn’t cost a dime. The only requirement for such Awakening of Sacred, Endless Joy seems a Herculean one to the modern man; the individual’s Willpower to sit still and…just listen.”
– coach ilg

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